Now the state-run media are pretending to be shocked, shocked to learn that Dementia Joe Biden is not of sound mind – non compos mentis.
But this is just more fake news from the Democrat operatives with press passes. They’ve known all along that Biden is in “cognitive decline,” to put it politely. And you’ve known about it too, if you’ve been reading a periodic feature in this column over the last year or so – Weekend at Biden’s.

Our motto: All dialogue guaranteed verbatim.
And guess what — all the smug fact-checkers and Pulitzer Prize winners could have been telling you just as easily as I do that this guy is an empty suit’s empty suit.
All you need to do is transcribe what he says. It’s the stenography, stupid. But these unctuous courtiers aren’t journalists, they’re rump swabs, bum-kissers, Beltway BS artists churning out agitprop for the Ministry of Truth.
Even before the weekend’s disasters in Poland, Biden was all in on being a wartime leader.
He exhorted the free world (which he called the “three world”) to assist the little nation of “Ugraine” against the country he sometimes still refers to as “the Soviet Union.” more
Well, if they hadn’t lost the, you know, the thing on the Orient Express then the Ming Dynasty would have beem okay….except for the Confederate Colonies….
Joey is giving us all migraines with all of his addlepated/pixilated talk about Ugraine.
MOST of us knew this in 2008, if not earlier!!!
I heard he recently hired Bruce Willis as a speech coach…..
Bad Goat!
I’ve ordered my staff, which includes some of those gender…uh…sex-bendering folks to get out there and find Lee Harvey Wilkes-Booth. We’ll tell the newspapers and radios we’re making him my official Russian uh…thing, you know…uh…embassadorial guy and demand Putin lets him in his door. Putin will poop all over the Kremland when he hears that.
Did you know that instead of climate change conspiracies and global government movements there is an underlying conspiracy of actual biblical issues?
It’s the one being driven by Satan to undermine and destroy God’s creation and alienate humanity from Him.
Wake up and smell the sulfer in the air.
I blame Doktor Jill and Baracky Osmidgen for promoting this disaster, but it’s the Ministry of Dementiacrat Propaganda that assisted and helped perpetrate this catastrophe. Without their help, this criminal conspiracy would never have gotten past the Iowa caucuses.
Biden’s about to be thrown under his own bus.
I don’t care if he’s lucid as Einstein and sharp as a proverbial tack, he’s a cheating lying sumbitch that is now a far left asshole that doesn’t give one spit about you and me. I’m glad he’s in decline and I consider it Karma for him being the prick that he is.
@GM: “Biden’s about to be thrown under his own bus.”
A short bus. And, he won’t know what hit him because he isn’t aware of anything.
I get the feeling somebody else is going to write his sundown speech. Should be a doozy.
The pain in my brain is mainly from Ukraine.
“Sundown, you better take care when we find joey slithering down America’s back stairs.” With apologies to Gordon Lightfoot.
I’d just like to take this moment to thank all the little people that helped to prop this latently pedophiliac, imbecilic, drooling, doddering, stuttering, chronically lying, piece of human filth, into the ‘Leader of the Free World’
& ….
Marx Suckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Bill ‘Miniscule Flaccidity’ Gates
George Soros
Klas Schwab
all the feckless ‘leaders’ of the EU
& their puppets-in-charge of the countries in Europe
the CCP
the presstitutes of the dnc propaganda wing … the media
& last of all …. the whores in the RINO party
may God damn you all for selling out the last great hope of mankind