Biden Openly Stealing RFK Jr’s Votes In Iowa & New Hampshire – IOTW Report

Biden Openly Stealing RFK Jr’s Votes In Iowa & New Hampshire

14 Comments on Biden Openly Stealing RFK Jr’s Votes In Iowa & New Hampshire

  1. RFKs gotta go Indy. He kind of hinted at it last week. “We need to find another solution”. That would stress the big cheat to the breaking point OR unmask how far down the road to Totalitarianism we are. Maybe it’s to late. Maybe they just think it’s to late. If only conservatives had a spine. Buy ammo now. It will soon be unavailable.

  2. RFK really is Trumps ace in the hole… All kinds of chaos for the “Democracy Democrats” and zero ties to our team politically. Its a win win win no matter what happens.


  3. While I have never uttered a @#$&.,$#@ four letter word in my life, I normally find Salty Cracker a bit over the top with his language. Either he has toned it down or I am getting more pissed off.

    “…under cover of broken water mains.” LOL.

    There is much that I would disagree with RFK Jr. on, but if he is an independent candidate and the Republican candidate has a tusk growing out of his forehead, I will vote for RFK Jr.

    I am mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.

  4. RadioMatt

    Congrats, you’re woke. In a good way. My preference for DJTs running mate would be, drum roll please, Elise Stefanik. Highly unlikely at this point. What ticket would garner the most votes. I think RFK could bring a lot of support. I dunno. It sure as hell would be a crystal message to the progressive Nazis trying to destroy our country. Interesting thing about RFK,the weight lifter, I’ve heard him say twice now, I was wrong, DJT was right. That takes balls in the political arena.


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