Biden ‘Plunged Into Sadness and Frustration’ After Collapse of Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal: NYT – IOTW Report

Biden ‘Plunged Into Sadness and Frustration’ After Collapse of Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal: NYT


President Joe Biden “plunged into sadness and frustration” because of the breakdown of a plea deal between his son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department, the New York Times reported Sunday.

More than a dozen people close to the Biden family told the Times that, following the deal’s collapse, conversations between father and son are “tinged with a resignation that was not there before.”

The sweetheart plea deal broke down after the Justice Department and Hunter Biden’s lawyers could not agree on its terms. The judge in the case then refused to accept a revised plea deal that would have offered Biden broad legal immunity. Special Counsel David Weiss has said that the Biden case may now be headed for a criminal trial.

That possibility left the president “stunned,” according to the Times.

The bond between Joe and Hunter Biden is nonetheless “ironclad,” the Times reported. Biden family confidants said the president has been  “too deferential to his younger son, appearing unwilling to tell him no, despite Hunter’s problems and his long trail of bad decisions.” more here

22 Comments on Biden ‘Plunged Into Sadness and Frustration’ After Collapse of Hunter’s Sweetheart Plea Deal: NYT

  1. “ Special Counsel David Weiss has said that the Biden case may now be headed for a criminal trial.”
    We’ve been hearing that for two months; so where is the criminal trial???

  2. If at some point, Hunter becomes too much of a liability — and not just to Joe — Hunter can name a LOT of names and probably knows a LOT of dirt that he could dish out if properly motivated (like in exchange for testimony in order to try and save his own worthless hide) — I wouldn’t be at all surprised if something happens to shut him up permanently. Of course, it’ll be “a tragic accident”, or at worst “he succumbed to his inner demons and committed suicide”. And don’t think Joe wouldn’t go along with it to save himself.

  3. “A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.”

    Die a thousand times, traitor.

    “Though those that are betray’d Do feel the treason sharply, yet the traitor stands in worse case of woe.”

  4. The two tiered Judicial system has been exposed once again.

    The same weaponized DOJ and FBI that quickly tracked down 1000s of J6 participants, jailed, prosecuted and sentenced to prison by the harshest of sentencing standards.

    The same two agencies have turned a blind eye toward the illegal activities over the past 8 years of Hunter Biden and decades of trafficking of young girls by Jeffrey Epstein for the “elite’s” travel to Lolita Island for their sexual perversion.

    The two tiered judicial system is obvious to those with eyes to see.
    By the corrupt DOJ and FBI standards, “The Law is Blind” when it comes to prosecuting the establishment elite, the Confidential Informants they employ and DOJ and FBI employees.

    Even the two tiered system protects those who repeatedly returned to Epstein’s Island for sex with underage girls.
    WHY are the Corrupt DOJ and FBI insisting to protect “Elite” Sexual Predators, and the Biden family’s Criminal Enterprise???

    Are “Elite” Sexual Predators above the law, like Hunter and Epstein? When will the DOJ and FBI corruption end?

  5. whoever’s writing the script to this “movie” is getting more & more outlandish by the minute, c’mon man
    the biteme crime family are all up to their eyeballs in ukraine money laundering, human/sex/organ trafficking, biolabs, bribes, etc.
    they have no compassion or empathy for those they’ve put in harms way to line their own pockets
    sadness & frustration? gtfoh
    i’ve been saying for years, they’re not dumb or stupid, they’re evil


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