Biden Promotes Useful Idiot Who Failed to Take Down 45 – IOTW Report

Biden Promotes Useful Idiot Who Failed to Take Down 45

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:

On February 7, 2020, two days after DJT was acquitted in round 1 of the sham impeachment circus, Vevgeny Vindman and his twin brother Porky Alexander Vindman were unceremoniously fired and quickly escorted off the White House grounds when they showed up for work.

The story the media put forth was of brothers troubled by a phone conversation, the first to raise an alarm about the president’s phone call in which they claimed (solely on their own interpretation of his words) threatened to withhold Congressional allocated defense funds if Ukraine wouldn’t gin up a fake investigation into Joe Biden and his son.  At the time, Eugene Vindman was a legal advisor to the National Security Council on which Porky Vindman was the Director of European Affairs. Very well placed. Who could dispute such Men?

Both brothers reported their concerns to John Eisenberg, the NSC’s legal advisor. Eisenberg didn’t share the brother’s twisted interpretation of the conversation after review of their flight of fantasy. Apparently Eugene had been looking for attention and a vehicle for promotion.  So he chose to jump into the impeachment parade even though both participants of the conversation denied Vindman understood what was said. more

13 Comments on Biden Promotes Useful Idiot Who Failed to Take Down 45

  1. So, Quid Pro Joe fulfills his end of the bargain. Gut Weasel throws dirt, completely unfounded, to add to the shampeachment noise, and Gut Weasel gets his “pay day”.

    Nothing to see here.

  2. so this is what our new military leadership will look like These REMF’s willbe given a combat brigade and imeadiately start to weed out extreamists ie competent Officers and NCO. I wounder how this asshole got a CIB

  3. I burst out laughing every time I hear a recording of Rush mention Vindman. He says his name followed by reciting the first few bars of the national anthem: “Oh say can you see”!!!!


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