Biden Puts Major League Spin on Tiny Crowd, as Bon Jovi Plays to ’12 People and 7 Pumpkins’ – IOTW Report

Biden Puts Major League Spin on Tiny Crowd, as Bon Jovi Plays to ’12 People and 7 Pumpkins’

Not only did Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden hold another embarrassingly tiny rally on Saturday; he tried to put a positive spin on it by claiming he prefers that only a few people show up at his events because the minuscule “crowds” reduce COVID-19 spread.

So how small was it? Joe could’ve held the event in his basement and there would’ve been enough space for everyone to properly social distance. In fact, it was so small that rock & roll icon Jon Bon Jovi played to 12 people and seven pumpkins. That’s how small it was.

But here’s the thing. Just because Biden draws “crowds” that would fit inside your neighbor’s minivan doesn’t mean he doesn’t make news — usually by saying something ridiculous, lying about things he’s said in the past, or in Saturday’s case, as reported by my RedState colleague Nick Arama, calling Trump supporters “chumps,” in reference to an enthusiastic army of Trump supporters who showed up to crash the party. “We don’t do things like those chumps out there with the microphones, those Trump guys,” he snapped.

But, hey — Biden had Bon Jovi. Bon Jovi. One Twitter user noted that Bon Jovi did what he could, given the size of the “crowd.” more

34 Comments on Biden Puts Major League Spin on Tiny Crowd, as Bon Jovi Plays to ’12 People and 7 Pumpkins’

  1. I’ll bet Bon Jovi thought that his presence alone would cause a huge surge in attendance. I wonder what he was thinking while playing to just 12 people? I suspect he was cursing Biden for getting him into this because I bet twitter took to mocking him without mercy. What a dick.

  2. But Slow Joe has a 97% chance of sniffing little girls before this is over.
    Remember boys and girls stay out of the big cities on post election night, it’s going to be some major Wawa tears and destruction.

  3. This wasn’t super spreader event. It was a pseudo spreader event. Crowd sizes are no indication of enthusiasm. Everyone knows this. President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton proved this in 2016. She won the really popular vote. Don’t you remember?

  4. Aw c’mon, man. Be fair. The Democrats are too exhausted from their rioting, looting, arsons, and BLM and pussyhat marches to gather again, pointlessly, when their time is better spent behind the scenes harvesting fake ballots.

  5. “Shot through the brain
    Yourself to to blame
    Dimwit, you give rock a bad name

    All free stuff is what you sell
    You promise folks heaven, then put them through hell
    Your welfare chains got a hold on we,
    That “help” is a prison, they can’t break free

    Oh, your brain is gone, yeah
    Oh, there’s no one to run
    No one can save Joe
    The damage is done

    Shot through the brain
    Yourself to blame
    You give rock a bad name (bad name)
    You play your part but Joe’s just insane
    You give rock a bad name (bad name)

    You give rock,

    a bad name”

  6. “Jon Bon Jovi urges Biden supporters to vote “for a man of empathy, character and experience.””

    Let me tell ya’ bout prog empathy, it is nothing but vacuous bullshitting and empty virtue signaling. Lived under the same roof for thirteen years as The Ultimate Social Justice Warrior, the self identified Queen of Empathy.

    Absolutely not one thin dime did it give in all those years to any 501C3 or five minutes of volunteer or charity work. All it ever did was point it’s bony finger at people who actually do both.

  7. “Bon Jovi used to think he could rock, but he really sucks and
    He’s down with this nut, it’s tough, so tough

    Biden works at hidin’ all day working on the lies
    He’ gonna forget anyway
    for Xi, for Xi

    He says, we’ve got to rule no matter what
    It gonna make the difference if we get hung or not
    We’ve got corruption and lots of votes to steal

    Or we will be shot

    Woah, we say God’s not there
    Woah, then we need a prayer
    Demand God’s help, while at him we swear
    Woah, haven’t got a prayer

    Haven’t got a prayer!”

  8. Bon Jovi added to boycott list.

    There has always been Democrat fools who would vote for even a pumpkin, if there is a D beside the name.

    However, in this election, no one appears to be voting for Biden. Some, including for me a family member (deep sigh) are merely voting against “orange man bad” due to TDS. Let me pronounce a curse on the Democrats…may your candidate win and then you live under their rule! Pretty cruel punishment.

  9. Funny thing is, the pumpkins had the highest IQs – including the Press!

    Joey’s zombies were standing around picking their noses while waiting for the muscatel.

    izlamo delenda est …


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