Biden Receives Backlash for Saying Russia Meddling Didn’t Happen ‘On My Watch’ – IOTW Report

Biden Receives Backlash for Saying Russia Meddling Didn’t Happen ‘On My Watch’

Epoch Times:

Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic candidate Joe Bidendrew widespread criticism after he claimed that Russian meddling “didn’t” happen “on my watch” in a recent cable news interview.

During the interview with CNN’s Chris Cuomo aired on July 5, Biden expressed his disagreement about the current foreign policies and accused President Donald Trump of “dissing” allies and “embracing thugs.”

“Look at what’s happened with Putin. While he—while Putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in — in Europe,” Biden said.

He continued, “Look what’s happened in Hungary. Look what’s happened in Poland. Look what’s happened in—look what’s happening.”

“You think that would have happened on my watch or Barack’s watch?” the former vice president then asked. “You can’t answer that, but I promise you it wouldn’t have, and it didn’t.”

However, former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russia’s interference on the 2016 presidential election outlined how the Russian government had attempted to engage in efforts to meddlewith the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

It also brought up a number of questions about the Obama’s administration’s handling of foreign intelligence threats. According to the New York Times, former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson acknowledged in 2017 that the Obama administration knew about the Russian meddling and was “concerned that by making the statement we might, in and of itself, be challenging the integrity of the election process itself,” he said at the time.

Meanwhile, in April this year when the Mueller report was released, the Republican National Committee accused the Obama administration of doing “absolutely nothing about it” despite being aware of the interference.

“Obama chose not to “strike back” because he wanted Russia to cooperate with the Iranian Nuclear deal,” the statement said. “Not only did Mueller confirm that there was no collusion, we also learned the full extent of how much the Obama administration failed to act while Russia messed with America’s electoral process.” KEEP READING

16 Comments on Biden Receives Backlash for Saying Russia Meddling Didn’t Happen ‘On My Watch’

  1. I know Biden is going to be like a broken slot machine with daily payoffs but I look at him as low hanging fruit. It’s like the local town’s folk making fun of the village idiot, after a while you just feel bad. Not saying he doesn’t have it coming, but he is just too easy like everyone is in on the joke but him.

  2. When this idiot said “Saying Russia Meddling Didn’t Happen ‘On My Watch’” he probably was referring to a device wrapped around his wrist.

    Biden stood by a traitor for eight years. That’s all we need to know.

  3. O’bozo asSured us he was a dictator because he had a pen and a phone,
    Joe wood have said something important , but his brai9n was already dead!
    error wood intentional homophone.

  4. Ever noticed you never see Walter the puppet and Joe Biden in the same room at the same time? The only difference is that Jeff Dunham is witty and smart.

  5. With most people, a brain is used to filter out potential gaffes prior to them actually being expressed.
    With a lot of leftists, therein lies the problem…


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