Biden Refers to $100 Vaccine Incentive as a ‘$100,000 Incentive’ Before Attacking GOP Governors DeSantis and Abbott (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Biden Refers to $100 Vaccine Incentive as a ‘$100,000 Incentive’ Before Attacking GOP Governors DeSantis and Abbott (VIDEO)

GP: Joe Biden on Tuesday afternoon delivered remarks on Covid-19 vaccination efforts.

Dementia Joe could hardly read his teleprompter and referred to the $100 vaccine incentive as a $100,000 inventive.

Biden tried to play it off by cracking a joke.

“That’d be really good! I’d go back and get vaccinated three times,” Biden said before attacking GOP Governors DeSantis and Abbott.

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10 Comments on Biden Refers to $100 Vaccine Incentive as a ‘$100,000 Incentive’ Before Attacking GOP Governors DeSantis and Abbott (VIDEO)

  1. ““That’d be really good! I’d go back and get vaccinated three times,” Biden said…” never even got vaccinated ONCE, you fucking pedophile. One, its NOT, definitionally, a “vaccine”. Two, your lying ass got a shot of normal saline, or maybe the Adrenochrome you child molesting decaying perverts love so much. Whatever it was, it WASN’T The Jab. Three, you have someone wipe your ASS on hundred dollar bills stolen from people all over the world and given to you as 10% vigorish, so no, even 100,000 isn’t enough to turn YOUR syphiliptic, crooked head.

    I don’t want The Whore as “president”, but I do look forward to the day they let that cackling supernumerary shove you down a flight of steps for the last time.

    Go fuck yourself Pedo Joe. Eat COVID infested shit with your fucked up smirking cake hole and die a slow, painful death already, one that lets us see the hell you’re headed for reflected in your terrified eyes before you fall into satans grasp. I’m sure his welcome for you will be a “warm” one, so hop to it…

  2. We go from Obama that couldn’t talk without a teleprompter to Biden who can’t talk with a teleprompter, what’s next? Democrats elect some goon that just grunts at the camera? And calls [insert a new gender pronoun here] the best most bright.

  3. we are quickly reaching the level of Idiocracy

    next up: the presidency of Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
    “Sh*t. I know sh*t’s bad right now, with all that starving bullsh*t, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.”

    … it’s close … very close

  4. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, I’d take President Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho over what we have now. At least he listened to peanut brain and figured out you have to water crops with water, like from a toilet.


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