Biden Refuses to Designate Houthis As Terrorists – IOTW Report

Biden Refuses to Designate Houthis As Terrorists

The Biden administration’s refusal to redesignate Yemen’s Houthi rebels as a terrorist organization is causing tension with U.S. military leaders in the region as they struggle to counter a rise in attacks by the Iran-backed militant group.

17 Comments on Biden Refuses to Designate Houthis As Terrorists

  1. ValJar runs this country under the false flag of the Kenyan Queer. There is no possible way they will be redesignated.

    She sent winking Blinken out to warn every single Muslim leader that an attack was coming..

  2. They may not be “terrorists” (white Christian conservatives) but we’re killing them by the dozens. What’s our “justification?”

    Not so bad a deal – call em whatever you want – just be sure to kill em.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “…the Iran-backed militant group.”

    If WFB won’t call them terrorists, why should Biden? Calling everybody who you hate a “terrorist” is like calling them a racist. Both words are essentially meaningless.

    And I still don’t get the “Houthi Rebels” designation. If we are hitting military targets in every town in Yemen, these guys are basically the government of Yemen.

    Is that all we do anymore? Just lob missiles and labels? Not very reassuring.

  4. Our gooberment is more farcical than a Peter Sellers movie.

    Blinken, Darth Austin, cross-dresser Milley Vanilla, moronic whore VP Kameller, that pickaninny Press Secretary, Petey Buttfuckee …

  5. If you shoot missiles at international commercial shipping…you just might be a terrorist organization.

    If you attack US warships and your speedboat gets blown out of the water…you just might be a terrorist organization.

    If you’re kicking back some money to “the big guy,”….well, never mind – you’re o.k. in our book.

  6. @Anon

    I don’t know which one of possibly numerous Anonynmous’s you are, but “pickaninny Press Secretary” got me laughing.

    She’s the Butterfly McQueen of Press Secretaries: I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout what y’all reporters been askin’ me.


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