Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine – IOTW Report

Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine


Lately it seems that every day we are faced with yet another escalation by the Joe Biden administration from hell towards a military confrontation with Russia.

Days after Biden began allowing Kiev to fire US-supplied long range missiles on Russian territory, it now surfaces that he is about to allow American PMC companies to fight in the Ukraine war.

That’s American boots on the ground. And worse – on the side that’s being decimated by the overwhelmingly superior Russian air force, artillery, missile and drone capabilities. more

21 Comments on Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

  1. @Harry

    I think so.

    They are working late into the trying to find something that they think will unite us all together in a global struggle. They may have a fixation on Dec. 7 1941. The deaths of US contractors in Ukraine maybe the thing they’re counting .

    I say: Not This Time!

  2. Re: wag the dog. I can’t think of anything that would turn large numbers — VERY large numbers — of voters AGAINST Joey and the Warmongers than an escalation into direct U.S. v. Russia warfare.

  3. I know a crap ton of gun toting types, none of them I know are lining up to go to Ukraine..not the actual professionals anyway. Plus I don’t think the pay will be very good.

  4. I’m hoping Trump still speaks with Putin. Putin declaring war is what will save their asses. So they seem to think. This isn’t Bidens decision. Obviously. It’s a scared shitless Anthony Blinken, Susan Rice, and yes BoRock. Probably Hitlary too. These people would rather subject us to Thermal Nuclear warfare than submit to their treasonous deeds. I don’t enjoy being the bad guy. Funny thing is that nasty old Putin could end up being the only adult in the room.
    U.S. Mercs to the meat grinder? Not many that have been in combat. This is a meat grinder more akin to the trenches of WWI than anything. If you find Americans going over there it will be your Tommy Tactical civilian types.

    Here’s someone who totally understands what we are facing. And in my opinion should be our next VP.

  5. They can go, but they won’t let them leave. Sorry, no refunds.
    Also where’s the anti-war protesters, how about Jane Fonda she got anything yet?
    Oh that’s right saving it for DJT.

  6. I personally believe that what Biden has is advanced, terminal TDS. Something those younger deranged progressives can look forward to.

    Stumbling, mumbling, making up new words, lost, looking for the wife, shifting in his Depends on stage, etc.

    Exhibits A and B: Scarborough and Olbermann. Many more…

  7. Uncle Al

    That’s a Instagram reel. I think you’re safe but honestly who knows. That’s Tulsi Gabbard pointing out how Zelensky has called martial law, suspended elections, shut down opposing news networks, jailed political opponents, etc, etc,. Yet we support him. She points out this is where the Biden Admin is taking us.

  8. @Brad — Sorry, man, but Instagram is Zuckerberg. I just won’t do Zuckerberg. That means a big NO to Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Threads, Meta Quest, Horizon Worlds, Ray-Ban Stories, Mapillary, and Workplace.

    Tulsi would be good.

  9. A guy I served with stateside is over there now – his second visit. He deployed to Iraq in 2010 and never saw any action. I believe he was dishonorably discharged for pot or something.

  10. I remember reading last year about the Pentagon plan to reduce Special Ops forces by the thousands. From the Army Times:

    “The cuts will come following an analysis of force needs at the soldier level, based on unit purpose; at the unit level, based on deployment rates; restructuring of Army special operations; and reducing or eliminating “close-combat forces” that were purpose-built for the War on Terror.”

    While I have also read that many of these “cuts” involve empty or unnecessary billets, and that the move is being made partially to paper over recruitment problems, the cynic in me says that a good number of our well-trained fighters are being privatized and secretly funded by the neocons, deep state and IC to become “mercs” in Ukraine.

    We are playing a dangerous game right now with our drones and missiles, pretending that they are being used by Ukraine without our help and daring Russia to do something about it if we are helping. Creating a private US expeditionary force in Ukraine and expecting the Russians to accept that escalation fig leaf without reaction is the height of foolishness and hubris.

    I hope I am wrong and that Brad is right about the “Tommy Tacticals”, but I am afraid that we are both right, and the clever fools who run the war in Ukraine are about to cross the line, and the shit will get real for us soon.

  11. “Anybody know if the Wagner Group is busy these days…”

    Sorry, Uncle Al, the Wagner Group is busy down in Africa, dismantling Western neocolonial operations. I hear that they’ve occupied a billion dollar airbase in Niger which the US recently built. Could be wrong, though.

  12. Putin is clever enough to walk the fine line of how fast he appears to be winning the war. Too fast, and Joe’s cabal gets triggered. Just the right pace, and the Joe’s cabal languishes right into the election, and Trump wins. Trump wins, war ends – one way or another.

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