Biden Regime Tries to Jail Man for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes – IOTW Report

Biden Regime Tries to Jail Man for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes

Revolver: Douglass Mackey is alleged to be one of the many anonymous Twitter users who made the 2016 election so different, so memorable, and so important.

Like other anonymous internet memesmiths (anons), Mackey had no external reason that anyone should care what he said. He held no office. He had no byline at an elite publication. He had no vast pool of wealth that conferred legitimacy, deserved or undeserved, on what he had to say.

Mackey’s notability, like that of Bronze Age Pervert or Libs of TikTok, came exclusively from what he had to say, and that people found it funny and compelling. Over the summer and fall of 2016, Mackey allegedly went by the nom-de-tweet Ricky Vaughn (after Charlie Sheen’s character in Major League) and collected tens of thousands of followers who found him funny and compelling. Mackey was not single-handedly responsible for getting Donald Trump elected. But the work he allegedly did along with dozens of others is what made Trump’s victory possible. An MIT analysis estimated that Ricky Vaughn was a bigger influence on the 2016 election than NBC News.

But for the regime, the specter of anonymous individuals making the system tremble was too much. And so, for more than two years, the regime has been battling to send Mackey to prison. MORE

8 Comments on Biden Regime Tries to Jail Man for 10 Years for Anti-Hillary Memes

  1. “If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;…”

    Why wasn’t (isn’t) this legal cudgel being applied to the Brown Pampers who intimidated voters in Pennsylvania since the early 2000s?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Having a remedial understanding of American civics was once required in order to vote. It was determined that a bunch of old, dead, slave owning white men implemented the policy to keep poor disenfranchised minorities from voting. Anyone gullible enough to bite doesn’t need to be voting anyway.

  3. Wasn’t “Russia collusion” disinformation? For pretty much the whole Trump Presidency by all of the media. Why isn’t Adam Schiff prosecuted along with CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC?
    How about all of the media colluding and outright lying about the Hunter Biden laptop?


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