Biden Regrets Not Running for President ‘Every Day’ – IOTW Report

Biden Regrets Not Running for President ‘Every Day’


 NBC Philadelphia:

“I regret it every day,” the vice president told NBC Connecticut’s Keisha Grant. “But it was the right decision for my family and me.”


13 Comments on Biden Regrets Not Running for President ‘Every Day’

  1. He wanted to but due to the wink and nod to H back in 2008 when then DNC (I really mean little debbie) said “H you drop out and let the O take this we will back you and only you in 16” Only the old man from Vermont wasn’t in on the deal that’s why he trying. Joe was told to step off and stay away.

    He’s not a better candidate, he’s a better follower than leader; but it’s quite strange that the VP doesn’t take up the baton from the past administration.

    I’m quite sure that the DNC could field a better candidate, (I can’t name any off the top of my head, but I’m sure there is one) but the fix is in.

  2. The stories of Biden’s intelligence are greatly exaggerated, although he did win the debate with Ryan by laughing a lot.

    Now the GOPe is gonna repeal Obamacare. seeing as how they funded it in the Omnibus bill. Do ya’ll think we’s that stupid? I guess you’ll find out in November of this year.

    Here’s hoping Shelby finds out about voter wrath in March. He’s 81 and needs to be retired, since he doesn’t have enough sense to go home on his own.

  3. Given that Joe Biden has the intelligence of a dumb rock, I look at him as proof that the Democrats are racist idiots.

    They voted for the POTUS despite knowing that he had picked a running mate for VPOTUS who wold be a heartbeat away from the nuclear launch codes and could not be entrusted with a lemonade stand. Likewise, the fact that the POTUS picked Joe Biden for the VPOTUS position is absolute proof that the POTUS is incompetent.

    Imagine if Trump, Cruz, Clinton, or the communist turd picked one of the Kardashians for their VP choice. They would be laughed off the stage for the incompetence and stupidity it demonstrates. Well, no difference with the Democrats the last two times. That is all the proof I need that they are racist and idiots for choosing a bi-racial and unqualified and unAmerican turd for the position.

  4. Debbie threatened me … Hilly, too … and Valerie … they said “There’s worse things than not being Preznit, if ya get the drift!” and I get the drift … b’lieve me ,,, Hilly’s had more people killed than Gotti.

    Not always quick, neither.

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