Biden rejected by Democrats as 40% of his party doesn’t want him to run again – IOTW Report

Biden rejected by Democrats as 40% of his party doesn’t want him to run again


President Joe Biden is facing harsh opinions from his own party, as polls show that a significant portion of Democratic voters do not want him to run for president again in 2024.

Messenger/Harris poll released Tuesday found that a majority of overall voters do not want Biden or former President Donald Trump to seek another term next November at 67% and 55%, respectively. With Biden, however, 40% of Democrats believe he should not run for another term, compared to 25% of Republicans who say the same for Trump. more

16 Comments on Biden rejected by Democrats as 40% of his party doesn’t want him to run again

  1. Wanna see concrete proof that the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media lies to us??
    Yet they still maintain that Jackass Joe still has an approval of 37 to 40%… even tho 40% of D-Ratz don’t want him to run!
    I call BULLSHIT!

  2. geoff the aardvark
    WEDNESDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 2023, 8:50 AT 8:50 AM
    “So, what happens if joey croaks sometime in the next year, and we get Kammie by default. I don’t even want to think about it.”
    Creepy Joe goes from worst to 2nd.

  3. I really don’t think a plurality of Americans consider themselves as either Democrat or Republican.

    But I do think a plurality of Americans are lazy, stupid dumbasses. And I no longer care what members of either party think.

  4. I think everyone is assuming that Harris will be the Vice President nominee. I think she will be replaced; VP candidates have been replaced before (Lincoln replaced Hamblin with Johnson). It makes sense to swap Harris out; Democrat voters may feel more comfortable with Biden if Harris is not next in line.

    The problem with this is the Democrats preoccupation with identity politics; Harris is a black woman and this is important to many Democrats. Ideally the Democrats would find a minority woman to replace Harris, but I can’t think of many who fit this requirement – Michelle Obama, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett maybe? The problem with these women is that they are probably stronger than Biden, which would make Biden more difficult to control.

    Harris could conceivably be replaced with a white male – but only if the Democrats could convince their base that competence is more important than identity politics, and I doubt this would happen.

  5. geoff – if joey croaks sometime in the next year I’ll betcha dollars to donuts they’ll still have him at a 37% approval rating… until they come clean and realize that 90% of all Americans approve of his croaking!

  6. DNC rules state that if the nominee cant run in the election for some reason, the DNC gets to appoint a candidate. Joey wins the nomination, then has to drop out. Voila` the DNC appoints Newsome.


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