Biden Reverses Trump’s Crackdown on Illegal Alien Child Traffickers and Offenders – IOTW Report

Biden Reverses Trump’s Crackdown on Illegal Alien Child Traffickers and Offenders

Geller Report:
What would be front page news in a rational world is not being covered by the enemedia. That way Democrats don’t have to justify this monstrous act.

12 Comments on Biden Reverses Trump’s Crackdown on Illegal Alien Child Traffickers and Offenders

  1. Democrats and establishment Republicans only demagogue and exploit. Trump was taking positive actions and actively making a difference. That right there encapsulates the difference between we who stand with the man who got more legitimate votes than any other candidate for President of the United States of America and the coalition that stole the 2020 Presidential election.

  2. Never forget the roll the Republican establishment played in the theft of the 2020 Presidential election. Without their help behind the scenes during the lead up and active participation in the post election campaign to delegitimize the efforts to verify legitimate votes and examine evidence this travesty would have not gone down according to plans. They are every bit as culpable for the ramifications as any Democrat. Never forget the roll of the Bushites.

  3. Look at it this way: The more this administration cancels the good and implements the bad, the stronger 2022 looks for MAGA takeover, followed by the 2024 Trump comeuppance.


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