Biden Said 6,114 Military Service Members Died From Covid. The Real Number Is 7. – IOTW Report

Biden Said 6,114 Military Service Members Died From Covid. The Real Number Is 7.


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden inflated the number of U.S. military service members who have died from coronavirus by a factor of approximately 1,000.

“Military COVID infected: 118,984. Military COVID deaths: 6,114. Folks, every one of these lives mattered,” Biden said at a rally in Warren, Mich.

He did not cite a source for the 6,114 number, but it is off by 6,107, according to the Department of Defense’s website. The number of military deaths is seven and the number of combined deaths between military, civilian, dependent, and contractor Department of Defense employees is 90. more

21 Comments on Biden Said 6,114 Military Service Members Died From Covid. The Real Number Is 7.

  1. He said a lot more. His blood libel was cranked up to 11.

    “He knew how deadly it was. … He knew and purposely played it down,” Biden said. “Worse he lied to the American people. He knowingly and willingly lied about the threat it posed to the country for months. He had the information. He knew how dangerous it was. And while this deadly disease ripped through our nation, he failed to do his job on purpose. It was a life and death betrayal of the American people.”

    Says the guy who screamed that it was racist to cease travel from China.

    Not just him, but also the party of people who were impeaching him over nothing while this shit was going on.

    Eff all of them with a thorny, electrified poker.

  2. Rally! Really? He had four or five people in masks sitting in white circles for his captive, paid, unionized audience. When they clapped, it sounded like a few minutes of bored people politely pretending they enjoyed listening to a senile uncle struggling to remember how to play the piano at the Sunny Day Memory Wellness Center. There were more Trump supporters outside his Michigan venue than Dementia Joe met with during his brief foray out of his basement. It was a very impressive display of a dead man snoozing.

  3. And He is giving the President edit for all the sneaky,scummy crap he has done to blame PDT.
    You have only been in DC for about 50 years. You have managed to do NO work, You have 0 legislative
    accomplishments. The number of military you only missed the real number by 6,107.
    Just go away quierly. You are known longer fit to serve,

  4. Joe also thinks the USA has been a country for 400 years. 400 years of being fundamentally racist. His base believes the same thing.

    The democrats utilize their choice of different math systems: Racist math, corona math, etc.

  5. His fuzzy, teleprompter math wasn’t applied only to military deaths.

    He said if a lockdown had started a week earlier that it would have saved 35,000 lives. Two weeks earlier? 100,000 lives.

    This is that Obama era math that says they created OR SAVED ten million jobs.

    So long as I understand everything correctly, during the Democrats impeachment hearings in the first week in February, Trump was supposed to shutdown all international travel, close every federal office and private sector business in America and mandate wearing masks in public when there had been less than 5 deaths in the country so far at that point. Is that what I’m hearing?

    Cause a panic. Cause runs on grocery stores. Cause shortages of PPE and hospital beds.

    Anything less would be a “cover up”.

    They were already call him a dictator. It would have been “See! See! We told you he was a tyrannical dictator!”

    Their complaints are tuned out.

    Just like the Woodward bullshit. Am I to think Trump did not think everything said to Woodward was on the record? I’ve seen this movie before. They replay recordings that both parties knew were being recorded. Put an overlay graphic like voices are being analyzed then give us subtitles to the clearly spoken words like it’s a transcript from an undercover FBI investigation into Fat Tony meeting Councilman Clay Davis at the docks for campaign donations in exchange for turning a blind eye to a shipment of merchandise arriving at Pier 7.

    You could make Julia Childs’ teaching you how to make creme brulee look like Watergate with that production.

  6. 2008: Remember when Jackass Joe said:
    “Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence and demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about and communicates to people. If you listen to me and follow what I’m suggesting we can fix this. When the stock market crashed Franklin Roosevelt got on television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed he said look, here’s what happened.”

    “Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence and demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about”

    Of course you could go back further than that and talk about his plagiarism or his graduation at the top of his class or his three degrees and high IQ… but that would be beating a dead Jackass!!


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