Biden Says He Has Cancer During Speech in Massachusetts – IOTW Report

Biden Says He Has Cancer During Speech in Massachusetts

PM: President Joe Biden said that he, and many others he grew up with, have cancer. The president made the comment in Massachusetts on Wednesday while delivering remarks on the climate, and his administration’s plan for clean energy.

“I just lived up the road, at an apartment complex, we moved to Delaware. And just up the road, a little school I went to, Holy Rosary grade school,” said Biden. “And because it was a four-lane highway that was accessible, my mother drove us and rather than us being able to walk. And guess what? The first frost, you know, you had to put on your windshield wipers to literally get the oil slick off the window. ” more here
SNIP: Perhaps he was licking the window?

9 Comments on Biden Says He Has Cancer During Speech in Massachusetts

  1. As a cancer survivor, as someone who has watched people I care about die from it, on this very blog as a matter of fact, I hope that the entire Biden Family learns what cancer really is. I never thought I’d wish that on anybody, but this asshole just crossed the line.

  2. As usual, Poor Joey is mistaken. What he meant to say was that he’s a Colossal Cancer on the Office of the President of the United States of America. He’s going to save us from Climate Change by Executive Orders and billions of dollars of funny money. Only 107 days until this traitorous buffoon is disabused of his misconceptions.

  3. The irrelevent and trifling Joe Biden is nothing more than a sad-sack of embellishments, lies, swindles, grifts, crime, and thieving. He is the epitome of pollution and virus himself. FJB COVIDBIDEN

  4. What was the babbling idiot trying to say?
    What does a 4-lane highway, frost and oil on the windshield have to do with cancer, let alone the world’s climate?
    Maybe his dad should have maintained the family car better so that the engine didn’t spray oil all over itself…


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