Biden Says He Will Defeat Our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms While in Office – IOTW Report

Biden Says He Will Defeat Our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms While in Office

Geller Report: First our first amendment rights – free speech – have been crushed. Now, the second amendment is in the crosshairs. But rest assured, Beijing Biden and his cadre of D-bag leadership will be well-protected by armed guards.

President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 8 promised to “defeat” the National Rifle Association while he’s in office.

35 Comments on Biden Says He Will Defeat Our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms While in Office

  1. And our right to freedom of speech and our right to practice religion and our right requiring warrants for searches and arrests and against self-incrimination….

  2. @ Different Tim

    Doing it for years. Quieter than a BB gun.

    My wife lost her shit on me when I started sticking chipmunks to trees. Squirrels were no longer a challenge.

  3. Next up, Biden vows to defeat chefs who dare say knives are needed for cutting food. Then he boldly faces off against coaches who dare suggest baseball bats are required for baseball.

  4. This is nothing but biden’s version of “promises made, promises kept” (political pandering — send us more money!)

    The Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution were written to instruct lawmakers, not the electorate. Our Bill of Rights contain those rights given to a free people (us) by God. No man or gov’t can take away something they didn’t give.

  5. Just think we have gone from peaceful protesters to :
    Insurrectionists of Epidemic Violence.
    Without burning anything down and without killing anybody.
    (Unless they had it coming.)

  6. I honestly don’t give a rat’s ass if Biden takes down the NRA. The NRA is staffed by the same kind of squishy RINOs as the GOP, they suck at messaging, and La Pierre gives me the creeps. We can do better than the NRA to promote and protect the 2nd Amendment.

  7. A large percentage of gun owners will not comply. People will die. I hope he still has enough cognitive ability to realize that. George Soros doesn’t give a shit about people dying and the Chinese hope it happens. It’s a win win.

  8. I might just to drop by the archery place that I drive by during my commute. I have been intrigued. Tomorrow might be the day.

    I’m pretty accurate with a wrist rocket.

  9. Molōn labe! – Come and take them!
    The defiant response of King Leonidas I of Sparta to Xerxes I of Persia when told to lay down their arms and surrender, at the onset of the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC).

    ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

  10. Hey Sloe Joe and the Hoe:
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  11. Progressives LOVE stare decisis (when it suits them). Under the Heller decision, SCOTUS ruled that firearms “in common use at the time” could not be prohibited. The most common firearm today is the AR-15. Not that precedent or the constitution maters to democrats.

  12. Joe’s life is in big danger, but it’s not from the 2nd Amendment crowd. 2nd Amendment people just want to be left alone.

    The real danger, Joe, is from the people you’ve surrounded yourself with.

  13. God damn the demon-rats! Enough said! Go to Hell Silicon Valley Sons of Bitches!! Gee, I’m glad I got that off my chest, with no apologies to anyone who may be offended! If you are, then repair to your safe place and eat manure and die!! Rant ended from a totally fed up American! God forgive me and save our beloved Republic from these evil people who have no regard for anything that is precious and sacred! Amen!

  14. The will not take our guns directly patriots. They will create laws to require you to volunteer them up if you want food, shelter, medicine, clothing, transportation, or any necessary functions of living.

    They will also classify the holdouts as mental and public health threats to the community of steeple and have some commie judgecourt order you to give them up.

    The end times are upon us patriots, they cannot occur without taking our guns. Be ready.

  15. The left used fear of the controlla virus to shut down worship in groups. They partnered with the tech tyrants to try to end free speech.
    They stole the election and knew judges are pretty much cowards.
    Biden feels empowered.
    The Dirty Dems are giddy with the possibility of ending the Constitution.
    Too many people are asleep and/ or stupid and don’t pay attention to policy when they vote. The see that D or R and automatically choose.

    They’re going to push red flag laws to take guns. In states like Maine our State Constitution says no one can remove our right to have guns. So the only way to get them is red flag laws and the such.
    They’ll package it as helping the mentally ill with the help of the pravda media.
    Let’s hope they fail miserably.


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