Biden Says He Would Consider Choosing a Republican as His Vice President – Maybe, Sort of – IOTW Report

Biden Says He Would Consider Choosing a Republican as His Vice President – Maybe, Sort of


Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden claims that he would consider choosing a Republican as his running mate if he is the party’s 2020 nominee.

Biden made the claim while speaking at a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Monday, but added that he “can’t think of one right now.” read more

21 Comments on Biden Says He Would Consider Choosing a Republican as His Vice President – Maybe, Sort of

  1. 44 years of pandering for votes and all Jackass Joe can say is: I’d pick somebody who was simpatico with me, who knew what I, what my priorities were and knew what I wanted to do”
    Good luck with that one bud!!
    Hell, half the time he doesn’t even know where he is let alone whut he wants to do!!

  2. joe6pak – Hunter… good Gawd, that guy is an arrogant, tax-evading, dope-smoking, absolutely worthless, fucking junkie scumbag who cheats on his wife, bangs his dead brother’s wife, gets off on butt-chugging stripper dildos, knocked up a stripper, gets kicked out of the navy for being a coke-headed druggie, a dead-beat daddy living life thru the revolving doors of expensive re-hab centers and has a retarded buffoon for a father who never worked a day in his life in the private sector, but thinks it wuz a brilliant idea to use his immoral wretch of a son to hide his ill-gotten wealth!
    Ah yes, yer tax dollars at “work” otherwise known as Welfare for the Elite!!

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jill Biden sez: “I know my son’s character. Hunter did nothing wrong!”
    Leaving the only question to be asked: “Are you really an ignorant ditz or just playing one to hide that fact that you are just as crooked as yer flaming asshole of a husband?
    My money is on number 2!
    Now we could go into the other family members of Stone-Cold Crooked Joe’s little gang of thieves, but I certainly think this clears up any misconception of the Biden family values!

  3. @TRF:

    44 years of pandering for votes and all Jackass Joe can say is: I’d pick somebody who was simpatico with me, who knew what I, what my priorities were and knew what I wanted to do”

    Good luck with that one bud!!

    Hell, half the time he doesn’t even know where he is let alone whut he wants to do!!

    Ah, but the OTHER half the time, he DOES know. What he needs then is someone who will do for Joey what Ghislaine Maxwell did for Jeffy.


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