Biden Says If Elected, He’ll Issue Executive Order To Make Mask-Use In Public Mandatory – IOTW Report

Biden Says If Elected, He’ll Issue Executive Order To Make Mask-Use In Public Mandatory

“I would go back to making sure that everybody had masks,” Biden said. Both he and the interviewer wore masks and stood eight feet apart.

“The one thing we do know is that these masks make a gigantic difference. I would insist that everybody in public be wearing that masks,” Biden continued. “I would do everything possible to make it required that people have to wear masks in public.” STORY HERE

19 Comments on Biden Says If Elected, He’ll Issue Executive Order To Make Mask-Use In Public Mandatory

  1. Of course he will. And all the law professors and the media will proclaim he has that right. After a year of telling us Trump has no right to do anything and that the governors are the ones with the authority.

  2. Our lousy Governor Jay Inslee already beat him to it yesterday when he made it mandatory for all Wash. residents to wear masks or other face coverings when out in public. Fortunately our local mayor in Spokane will not fine people for violating Inslee’s unconstitutional edict, we’re lucky to have a good mayor. Yesterday was also the first time that I wore my red bandana out in public, I don’t like it but it’s better than wearing a mask. I and everyone else will be extremely glad when all this wu flu bs is finally over. Pray that it ends soon before we all go over the deep end into even worse madness and insanity. I refuse to be a sheeple.

  3. At this point Joe is completely incoherent and incapable of rendering a lucid thought.
    That tells us that this idiotic idea was suggested to Joe and green lighted for his public announcement.
    His entire campaign is a ship of fools.

  4. “Biden Says If Elected, He’ll Issue Executive Order To Make Mask-Use In Public Mandatory”

    …aaand it wouldn’t even be CLOSE to the most tyrannical, nonsensical, and unconstitutional thing he would do IF he were President, which he WON’T be because his puppet masters will be replacing him with Mooch at the convention…

  5. What gets me is the left’s desire to crush and control everyone is cheered while the freedoms championed by the right are called fascism.

    Truly the beginning of the end times.

  6. While I still can’t believe Biden gets the nod SNS, I also don’t think Big Mike will take his spot. You never know and bet your ass that ValGal is pushing hard to get her grubby paws back into the WH.

  7. “The one thing we do know is that these masks make a gigantic difference.”

    How do we know it and where can if find the scientific study data to verify that statement is true?

    I’ll not become a part of that “we” till I get to examine and evaluate it myself, I just don’t trust what someone tells me until I verify it anymore.

  8. Biden: “I would go back to making sure that everybody had masks,”

    Trump: “I would go back to making sure that everybody had jobs.”

    Not enough election fraud in the world to help Joe now.

  9. @ Anonymous
    Particle size of covid 0.06-0.14 microns.
    Best mask, N95 is capable of blocking particles 0.3 in size or greater.
    This info is from UCLA department of Epidemiology and Health Science.

  10. Executive orders are only to apply to the executive branch agencies of the executive branch. That is their lawful domain.

    But the Left really can’t think of goverment as being anything other than a facist dictatorship. The president isn’t our “Leader.”


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