Biden says son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’ during Colorado speech – IOTW Report

Biden says son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’ during Colorado speech


President Biden erroneously said that his son, Beau, “lost his life in Iraq” during a speech in Colorado on Wednesday.

“I say this as a father of a man and won the Bronze Star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq,” Biden said.

Beau died of brain cancer in 2015.

Biden made the speech on Wednesday near Vail, Colorado, where he designated Camp Hale as a national monument.

Biden said in a 2019 speech that he believes Beau’s “exposure to burn pits” in Iraq “in my view, I can’t prove it yet, he came back with stage four glioblastoma. Eighteen months he lived, knowing he was going to die.” 

Fox News Digital has reached out to the White House for clarification on Biden’s comment. MORE

18 Comments on Biden says son Beau ‘lost his life in Iraq’ during Colorado speech

  1. I thought after Beau barely survived that horrible kitchen fire at the biden* mansion in Delaware, a drunk driver killed him while he was dodging sniper fire after being jailed in South Africa protesting the incarceration of Nelson Mandela?

  2. The most accurate description of the asshole I’ve ever read.

    ” As a bloviating senator of nearly half a century, Biden is thoroughly accustomed to never being held responsible for a single thing he says. He’s dined out on the death of his wife and daughter in a car accident for 50 years, blithely accusing the other driver of being drunk, which he wasn’t, among the many, many other malicious lies he’s told. He casually slandered good men like Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas and never lost a moment of sleep over his scurrilous remarks. Biden is emblematic of our parlous politics, the worm in the rotten apple who has finally made his journey from the calyx to the pedicel and emerged into the sunlight, a doddering old fool, vacant-eyed (except when animated by hatred), slack-jawed, wandering aimlessly in search of another hand to shake or another pocket to pick, which as a lifelong politician is all he knows how to do. “

  3. Brad
    OCTOBER 12, 2022 AT 9:31 PM

    …good as far as it goes, but needs to go a bit further.

    “…a doddering old fool, vacant-eyed (except when animated by hatred), slack-jawed, wandering aimlessly in search of another hand to shake or another pocket to pick, *another child to snoff or another granddaughter to molest*, which as a lifelong politician *and pedophile* is all he knows how to do. “


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