Biden Says U.S. Economy Not in Recession After U.S. Economy Falls Into Recession – IOTW Report

Biden Says U.S. Economy Not in Recession After U.S. Economy Falls Into Recession

PM: President Biden spoke on Thursday to address an agreement made in Congress on the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a watered-down Build Back Better plan that got Senator Joe Manchin’s vote. Manchin had been a hold-out against the former plan.

At the end of his remarks, he said “Let me speak to one other issue: the GDP, and whether or not we are in a recession. Both Chairman Powell and many of the significant banking personnel and economists say we’re not in recession.” In this, Biden repeated his Monday claim.

“But let me just give you what the facts are in terms of the state of the economy,” he went on. “Number one, we’ve a record job market of record unemployment of 3.6 percent. Today, we have created 9 million new jobs,” he said, discussing the recently House-passed CHIPS Act, funneling money into the tech sector.

The Biden administration last week changed the definition of a recession to be more dependent on unemployment numbers, an area where the US is currently doing fine. The old definition stated that a recession is underway when two consecutive quarters show declining GDP, as was announced this morning. more here

17 Comments on Biden Says U.S. Economy Not in Recession After U.S. Economy Falls Into Recession

  1. Liars lie.

    And Biden cannot do otherwise – he caused the recession and he’s too much of a coward to take responsibility for it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Simple solution: round up all the liberal assholes including biden’s commie handlers stand them up at the edge of an open pit and eliminate them…that goes for his supporting RINOs too!

  3. I think we should continue to call it the “Biden Recession”. That will piss him off and he becomes a real asshole when he’s pissed. And more exposure to the ” Asshole in Chief” may help voters decide in the mid-term elections.

  4. “There is no recession” < YOU ARE HERE

    “The Recession is transitory”

    “Covid caused the recession”

    “Supply chain caused the recession”

    “Putin caused the recession”

    “What will the GOP majority do about their recession?”

  5. Wrong planet Asshole!
    Jill’s got you so jacked up on drugs you don’t know whut yer lying about THIS week!
    All we know is that you lie as a knee jerk response to anything and there isn’t a bigger jerk than YOU!


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