Biden Says U.S. Military Shot Down Balloons Belonging to “private companies, recreation, and research institutions” – IOTW Report

Biden Says U.S. Military Shot Down Balloons Belonging to “private companies, recreation, and research institutions”

CTH: Apparently almost every media outlet buried the lead. According to analysis from combined intelligence operations of the U.S government, last week the Biden administration ordered U.S. military fighter jets to launch missiles and shoot down of what is now believed to be “balloons belonging to private companies, recreation, or research institutions.” MORE

14 Comments on Biden Says U.S. Military Shot Down Balloons Belonging to “private companies, recreation, and research institutions”

  1. It’s a surprise everyday with Biden. The government’s incompetence is over the top. It’s by design that the American people are left in a state of confusion. Keep you confused and scared so we don’t question their authority. I ain’t buying the UFO crap from the government. The unexplained exists, question is by what and whom? I have my bets on demonic forces.

  2. We’re mushrooms – fed shit and kept in the dark.

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey wouldn’t know a balloon from an orangutan.
    Anything oozing from his lips is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

    Both gas stations in town (earlier this week) had NO gasoline! Great price, but NO gas. And a couple of weeks ago I was up in Ava and the Murphy’s there had NO gas. Again, great price but NO gas. And chicken lunchmeat was $8.99/lb.

    And we’re shooting down balloons?

    We seem to be teetering on the edge of some cataclysm – or walking some weird tightrope.

    Maybe we need to take our country back?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “THE P̶R̶E̶S̶I̶D̶E̶N̶T̶ FRAUD: You can come to my office and ask the question when you have more polite people (inaudible).”

    …but all the bullshit from Jackov Acosta and the pack of Democrats baying at President Trump was considered totes civil and he HAD to put up with it even to the extent of the courts FORCING him to credential the worst of the bunch…

  4. The fucking idiots are swinging wildly at imaginary enemies and just letting the chips fall where they may. All of this is intentional and designed to distract form the FACT that this moron’s handlers authorized the US Military to blow up the Nordstream Pipeline

  5. Well, give the democrat socialists credit, they again distracted the public from all they have done the past two years through their puppet and the federal agencies to dismantle the middle class and discredit the US Internationally.

    The Socialists are driving this clown car and the Public are along for the ride. The economic and social cliff is nearer than anyone thinks.

    Buckle up Buttercup, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride for many families, individuals and Nation.

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