Biden SCOTUS nominee went beyond call of duty to defend terror suspects – IOTW Report

Biden SCOTUS nominee went beyond call of duty to defend terror suspects

Just the News- President Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court represented suspected terrorists when she was a federal public defender, going well beyond a bare-bones defense to lambaste the U.S. government for some if its counterterrorism policies and broader approach to the War on Terror.

Biden on Friday nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson, currently a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, to replace retiring Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court. more

25 Comments on Biden SCOTUS nominee went beyond call of duty to defend terror suspects

  1. She raped me, repeatedly, in college. Then her sorority sisters raped me, and then she raped me again. Then she called me a white boy terrorist, a colonizer, and she raped me again

  2. It’s way past time for a Black Colored Female American Hater to be on the Supreme Court, said practically no one. Just watch a half dozen Republican Senators vote to confirm this worthless, despicable, affirmative action hireling.

  3. One should expect a Biden “nominee” to be a bottom-feeding, racist, Nazi maggot who hates America and Western Civilization – well, civilization, in general.

    Anyone who doesn’t is either ignorant as shit or a fellow traveler.

    You know, of course, that there’s only one way out?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. $500 say Mitch will do a
    say he is against her while subtly getting her approved!

    As long as Mitch is “the man” leftists like Garland and she will be passed!

  5. She’s an evil leftist monster. Perfect fit for the Xiden administration – an additional curse on the American people.

    We brought this on ourselves by ignoring God’s principles and allowing godless communists a seat at the table.

  6. She’s not supposed to get the nomination. She’s supposed to be a total head fake by O’Brandon and the Dems; an appeasement to Sandy Cortez and her gang. She also checks off the boxes for O’Brandon’s “We TRIED to get a black, woman, SCOTUS pick, but the Repubs and conservatives are racist, just like we told you.” The only Democrats who care about race and gender are the black political and NGO race baiters and feminazi grifters who make their livings off keeping racism and feminazi-ism alive. And that’s as far as it goes.


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