Biden should get the REAL tour of Portlandia – IOTW Report

Biden should get the REAL tour of Portlandia

By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

If he’s coming all the way to the Northwest I want Joe Biden to get the full tour here in Portlandia.

His itinerary only calls for Air Force One to touch down this afternoon, a speech at the airport and then a quick visit with average Oregonians at Portland Yacht Club.

He plans to pick up a few checks from gullible liberals, then back to the Air Guard base and wheels up for another cash stop in Seattle tonight.

Brandon…I mean, Joe, deserves so much more.

10 Comments on Biden should get the REAL tour of Portlandia

  1. …sure would be nice if every Democrat politician was required to take an unpublicized walk dowm Martin Luther King Boulevard in ANY Democrat controlled city with no more government guns to protect him than the average citizen gets.

    That should solve our Democrat politician problem in short order.

  2. Genipero
    APRIL 22, 2022 AT 2:08 PM
    “SNS, perhaps a ride along, then a walking tour among the hoi polloi”

    I would not want to inflict that pedo on a decent officer with a ride-along, or tempt the officer to justly rid the world of that reprobate asshole once and for all, or make the officer have to clean the shit out of his seat after Pedo messes himself.

    Nor do I want to force the officer to have to worry about defending Pedo from the anger of the people that he so richly earned.

    But the walking tour is what he needs most. No cops, but absolutely film it.

    The Pay-Per-View ALONE would greatly reduce the national debt.

  3. …I’d be up for him getting to spend some time in General Population touring a prison too. Again, give him the same protection EVERY prisoner gets, no more, no less, and let it be known that he’s a pedo.

    Something interesting is bound to happen.

  4. Don’t forget to have him walk Burnside, Broadway and as long as he’s on MLK go up Grand too. If he brings Humper with him he can stop and share some crack pipes on the open street.
    Diversity is our strength you know.

  5. SNS – Am in agreement. Every second of this FRAUD has been painful for people who love this country. Have to just keep hoping and praying. It’s going to take much more prayer and fasting to drive the demon out.


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