Biden Signs 3 Executive Orders: Mask Mandate and Social Distancing on Federal Property, Racial Equity, Rejoins Paris Climate Accord – IOTW Report

Biden Signs 3 Executive Orders: Mask Mandate and Social Distancing on Federal Property, Racial Equity, Rejoins Paris Climate Accord


Joe Biden signed 3 executive orders within hours of being sworn into office.

None of Biden’s executive orders actually help Americans or put America first.

  • Mask mandate and social distancing be kept on federal property
  • Executive order on racial equity and “support for underserved communities”
  • Rejoining Paris Climate Accord

Face masks don’t work but since when do facts matter to Democrats? more

31 Comments on Biden Signs 3 Executive Orders: Mask Mandate and Social Distancing on Federal Property, Racial Equity, Rejoins Paris Climate Accord

  1. Wow ! The Now Socialist Congress and he signed into law Racial Equity.
    I thought that was already done under every President since 1965????
    Maybe someone forgot to tell him he also voted on this repeatedly while in office for 30+ years and it passed.

    <I am willing to bet
    99%.999 % of America CITIZENS strongly support EQUITY,when it is applied EQUALLY

  2. …lots of bantering bout the Pedophile “taking the oath”.

    It says…

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    …is said Pedophile is installed unconstitionally and one of his first acts in office is to write an EO that is designed to specifically violate the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, what, then, does this “oath” even MEAN?

    …and exactly WHO does a Pedophile take an oath TO? Considering the Founders clearly meant God, and considering that the Pedophile just as clearly considers himself to sit in God’s place as the arbiter of your God-given rights, and also that the Bible clearly does not countenance pedophilia, eg. Matthew 18:6, 18:14, and that the Pedophile is described in Romans 1 under “Reprobate Mind”, then we can conclude that any “oath” this Pedophile “swore” was void as he violated the very Constitution he “swears” to uphold to get there AND is clearly operating in despite of the Word of the very Lord that is supposed to hold his “oath”.

    So whatever words The Pedophile spoke were as vaporous as the foul stench that eminates from his bowels through his diseased buccal cavity, and stinks to God as much as it does to Man.

    I will any Pedophile under any circumstances,

    But for those reasons and many others, I will not obey this Pedophile in PARTICULAR.

    There are many ways to deal with blatant evil, but all must find their own path, and all communications are monitored.

    So that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  3. This guy is NOT the president. The election was rife with corruption and fraud; a stolen election, an illegitimate government. The Congress is rife with corruption and fraud, and the United States is being run by offshore globalists.

    In other news: someone just won over 700M in Powerball. The winning ticket was purchased in Deleware. What were the odds? Never trust another tabulating machine or electronic counting device again as long as you live. Recently I withdrew a large amount of money at the bank. The teller turned the counting device toward me so that I could “witness” the bills flipping through it and see the total the machine toted up. He slipped the bills into an envelope and slid it across to me. I opened the envelope and re-counted the bills right there in front of him, so that he could “witness” my counting. Then I said in a voice loud enough to be heard by him, the teller in the next station and the customer he was serving, “I just had my vote stolen in the election. I don’t trust tabulators.” They all laughed — nervously.


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