Biden signs bill ending national COVID-19 emergency – IOTW Report

Biden signs bill ending national COVID-19 emergency

(The Hill) – President Biden on Monday signed a GOP-led resolution bringing an end to the national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House said.

The resolution passed the House despite almost 200 House Democrats voting against it after the White House said it strongly opposed the measure, though it did not threaten to veto it if the bill passed.

The bill later passed the Senate in a bipartisan 68-23 vote. MORE

17 Comments on Biden signs bill ending national COVID-19 emergency

  1. Thank goodness they voted on it otherwise I might have died….The vote killed the Coof and nobody knew….I think they should vote to eradicate cancer next….

  2. ^ Anonymous – Take your pick:

    (a) Micro nova.
    (b) Magnetic pole shift.
    (c) Planet-killing asteroid (SMOD).
    (d) Yellowstone – or continental-scale volcanism.
    (e) The second coming of Christ.

  3. If memory serves, Fauci’s death jabs were never approved for use, and were only allowed under emergency use authorization. This should mean that no more of these dangerous injections may be administered. This leads me to believe that another plandemic must be in the works so that Big Pharma can continue its incredibly obscene income stream by way of a new and deadlier “vaccine”.

  4. Hope it will stop that dumb fuck JB Pritzker of Illinois.
    He is reigning covid czar until May 11 2023.
    Pritzker is a bigger dumb fuck than Biden, at least Biden’s handlers figured out the gig is up

  5. …and yet they continue to mandate poisoning young children who were never at risk to begin with for the privilege of attending government required indoctrination centers, go figure…


    Just Noticed
    Gavin Newsome has an INCREDIBLE resemblance to what Mitt Romney was earlier in his chisled political powered career.

    Plastically Money Grubbing Banksturd Identical

  7. And now we find out that farm pigs were (and still are) being injected with RNA gene therapy shots for the past five years without any pre-manufacturing testing or public notification! Now, they are expanding to other farm animals…see,

    h ps://

  8. Ending the faux Covid “emergency” makes it possible to declare a newer bigger more inclusive “emergency” when they release the next pathogen…..probably this fall or early next year. Just in time for the 2024 election circus.

  9. pianamusic, thanks for that. Coincidentally, I have noticed that there is a massive glut of pork products on the market now. But that could have something to do with China. Weird.


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