Biden Silent on Donations From Facebook Execs As He Wages War Against the Company – IOTW Report

Biden Silent on Donations From Facebook Execs As He Wages War Against the Company

Says tech giant is ‘a tool of misinformation that corrodes our democracy’.


Joe Biden is declining to say whether he will return thousands in donations from top Facebook executives as he ramps up his public feud with the social-networking website over fact-checking of political advertisements.

The Biden campaign has spent the last week assailing Facebook for refusing to screen the content of political speech from Donald Trump’s campaign, calling on its supporters to sign Biden’s open letter against the company and warning that the network is becoming “a tool of misinformation that corrodes our democracy.”

Despite the harsh rhetoric, Biden has shown a reluctance to cut ties with the social media website. He has received thousands of dollars in donations from the company’s top executives, and his campaign spent millions on Facebook ads in June.

The Biden campaign has received contributions from at least four senior Facebook executives, according to Federal Election Commission records. This includes $2,800 from Facebook’s chief financial officer David Wehner, $4,050 from Chief Revenue Officer David Fischer, $2,800 from Chief Privacy Officer of Policy Erin Egan, and $550 from Chief Privacy Officer of Product Michel Protti.

Asked whether he planned to return the donations, which hit the campaign’s coffers before Biden began waging war on the company, a spokesman for the Biden campaign declined to comment. Wehner and Egan did not respond to requests for comment. Fischer and Protti could not be reached. read more

6 Comments on Biden Silent on Donations From Facebook Execs As He Wages War Against the Company

  1. Good boy, Joey. Next do Bank of America (who swallowed MBNA)

    And keep in mind Joey, President Trump is gonna keelhaul you in a one-on-one debate, IF the DNC leaves you standing .

  2. FaceBook is paying Joe to tell them to do what they want to do anyway. It’s all a Punch & Judy show.

    What? You say my reference is old and outdated? So are Joe and FaceBook.

  3. I strongly doubt that Jackass Joe has the foggiest idea where the money comes from. He just sez whut they tell him to say, or at least tries to on the odd day when he remembers whut he had for breakfast! Remember that he needs a VP who’s ready to be President on day one cuz that’ll be day done for him!!


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