Biden Sixth-Quarter Average Lowest for an Elected President in History! – IOTW Report

Biden Sixth-Quarter Average Lowest for an Elected President in History!

You did it Joe! You have set yet another record! Joe Biden is now the lowest rated president in the sixth quarter in the history of Gallup polling! That is an amazing accomplishment, considering especially how the media smeared Trump 24/7.

9 Comments on Biden Sixth-Quarter Average Lowest for an Elected President in History!

  1. Joey isn’t an elected President – he’s a filthy, fukkin, treasonous usurper who stole an election.

    Joey’s a placeholder – a stooge – a corrupt piece of shit who will do whatever he’s told to keep out of jail until he goes to Hell.

    He’s always been an amoral, corrupt, lying, thieving, deceiving, plagiarizing, lying, tool of Satan. Oh – did I mention that he’s a liar? I probably forgot that – but that’s his premier character trait – he’s a liar – not a very good one, but one protected by the Fifth Column-Fourth Estate and the traitors in the Bureaucracy.

    A great purge is in order.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Biden Sixth-Quarter Average Lowest for an Elected President in History!

    So, why is he still in the WH. Are his bad numbers suppose to make us feel better about the situation? I suppose Biden is still President for the same reason God allows Satan to still exist. We know the ending, I’m ready for it! Let our hearts not be troubled.

  3. I would love to have a real discussion with anyone who voted for FJB. Are you happy now? Have the demorats destroyed enough of America yet? You hated Trump so much you voted for this ass?

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