Biden Sniffs Baby, Creeps Out Twitter – IOTW Report

30 Comments on Biden Sniffs Baby, Creeps Out Twitter

  1. Funny you should mention that, Joe & I do not live that far apart. My buddy is getting a lot of mileage out of the magnetic sign I brought him from Eburg. The guy has balls of titanium, he was driving around Vashon Island with it the other day.

  2. What a little flirt.

    Before, Sleepy Joe got hammered for molesting kids but now that the Establishment has struck back and decided a Jeff Dunham puppet is the candidate, be prepared for the triumphantly cringeworthy return of “Just Joe Being Joe”.

    Pay no mind to the 78 year old man’s hand working it up your preteen daughter’s thigh as he’s burying his nose in the nape of her neck and taking a long, deep whiff as his eyes roll into the back of his head.

    It’s just, say it with me, Joe Being Joe!

  3. May I remind y’all of my insight into Biden’s creepy behavior. He doesn’t stick his mug in kid’s heads to take a sniff, he is merely depositing a great huge booger in their hair.

    It’s normal behavior for old dumpocrap farts, so lay off already.

  4. No one (and I mean no one) takes a deep lingering sniff of a child they are not related to (or related to in general).

    And his hand placement???
    Child predators ALWAYS place their hands intimately on a child to groom them and place a hold on the kid, it makes the child freeze up because their subconscious knows that it’s wrong somehow.

    Consistent hand placement on the mid to lower back, CUPPING it almost as he presses his nose and lips to the child and sniffs???

    PEDOPHILE behavior.

  5. Politicians sniffing and kissing babies is very 19th century. They all should just stop it, including Trump.

    Babies often smell bad, they slobber, they puke. Who needs it? Maybe Biden. He deserves to have a baby puke all over his shirt and tie. He’d interpret it as a loving gesture.

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