Biden Spox Repeatedly Dodges Questions About Durham Filing Revealing Hillary Clinton Paid Tech Team to Spy on Trump’s Internet Traffic – IOTW Report

Biden Spox Repeatedly Dodges Questions About Durham Filing Revealing Hillary Clinton Paid Tech Team to Spy on Trump’s Internet Traffic

Gateway Pundit: White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday repeatedly dodged questions about Durham’s bombshell revelations.

new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.

The Durham investigators also uncovered evidence that shows Hillary Clinton’s team paid operatives to “infiltrate” the Trump Tower and then President Trump’s White House servers to link Trump to Russia.

The fake news media has been silent about the new Durham filing.

Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly told a White House reporter that should couldn’t speak to Durham’s new filing that showed Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid big money to illegally spy on candidate Trump and President Trump. more

15 Comments on Biden Spox Repeatedly Dodges Questions About Durham Filing Revealing Hillary Clinton Paid Tech Team to Spy on Trump’s Internet Traffic

  1. They’ll all turds in the same damn toilet, including the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media! They know what’s going on. They are not insulated from the facts. The Media is paid to sift out and spike anything that might put democRATz in a negative light and if anyone dares to go against the grain they get cancelled! It is waay past time to clean house!

  2. Don’t you love how they send the jv spokesperson out instead of Psucky?
    And of course she can’t talk about it yet.
    They need to get their stories and scripts written and approved. They need to decide who will be the fall guy to protect Hitlery and the rest of the crooks.

  3. I called our 3 local stations and asked if they’re waiting for the Clinton team to give them the official story and name the sacrificial lamb to take the blame.
    I also asked why they have no stories about Jussie declaring himself dictator like he’s in Cuba or No. Korea.
    Told them Trump was right. They are fake news.

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