Biden stands up for China – IOTW Report

Biden stands up for China

Before and during the coronavirus crisis, Joe Biden has stood up for China, dismissed them as an economic threat, and opposed President Trump’s China travel restrictions.

12 Comments on Biden stands up for China

  1. “stand up chuck, ohh”
    “well everyone is standing up for you”

    it makes sense hiden biden would stand up for china
    china pays him to stand up for them

    where’s hunter hidin ?

  2. Biden stands up for anyone who puts coin in pocket and in his family’s pocket. How do you think a dumbass pedophile like Joe stays employed as a Senator for 40+ years?

    Joe opened the federal cookie jar for all his big donors and the big donors repaid him with graft and re-election for four decades.

    It’s all these politicians know how to do since that’s been the way it’s designed by the cabal since 1870. The fact that a senile pervert is presumptive nominee demonstrates the point.

    Of course Pedo Joe is a mere placeholder for a far more powerful corruptocrat who was the cabal’s global money launderess since 2008.

    Hillezibub and the Tranny will be the cabal ticket for 2020.

  3. I still believe he’s genuinely senile but the Chicoms got the goods on Joe. They are making him dance like a little monkey and he can’t get out of it. They won’t let him out. If you were China, he would be exactly who you want running.

    Question is, how much collusion is going on right now btw CCP and DNC to pick his VP/replacement.

  4. So Biden has no problem with China developing bio-weapons to use on America. Lets vote for him, so China can get it right the next time.

  5. Kickback wack a mole games by our crooked politicians. The hide the Kickback money challenge. Its a con game you can’t win without voting them out of office. To bad the left has selective eye sight and refuses to acknowledge its existence.

  6. $Billion and a half to his kid (after his skim)?
    You’d stand up for China, too!

    Joey, Chuck, the rest of em – if the FBI wasn’t so busy framing President Trump and his staff they could look into this.

    CIA and NSA have no problem with illegal snooping – maybe they could look into Joey and Chuckie’s Chinese doings? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry …

    izlamo delenda est …


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