Biden Starts Yapping at the Teleprompter Guy – IOTW Report

Biden Starts Yapping at the Teleprompter Guy

RS: Another day, another confused and embarrassing performance from the current White House resident. 

Greek Independence Day was the occasion on Thursday, with Joe Biden hosting a reception in the East Room. Why Greek Independence Day is an event worthy of a White House reception wasn’t immediately clear, and neither was anything the president said. 

Right on cue, Biden did his faux Forrest Gump routine where he inserts himself into every aspect of every culture. It’s fitting that just two days before this speech, the president repeated a tall tale about being raised by the Puerto Rican community. Biden has also made similar claims regarding the Jewish and Black communities. There’s almost no ethnicity he won’t appropriate in some manner. more

12 Comments on Biden Starts Yapping at the Teleprompter Guy

  1. The Greeks won their independence from the ottoman empire & that’s the reason for the celebration. Would have preferred Joetato to attempt the Sirtaki dance , Zorba-style and get tangled up in his own two feet.

  2. I once traveled over 12,000 miles with Mao and I said to him, Mr. President, tear down this wall! He laughed at me so I sniffed his wife but she smelled like oysters and cabbage so later I sniffed their grand daughters who smelled like… like… like gardinianimum flowers. Is there going to be ice cream or pudding this time? Somebody roll this back and turn it off. It acts like Trump f*cked with it.

  3. What’s funny to me is that there were 3 brothers (one passed away 5 months ago -may he Rest in Peace, Amen)of Greek descent on my block – all Republicans who voted for Trump!

  4. “Lastly, it wouldn’t be a Biden speech without him repeating a lie he’s worn out like an old catcher’s mitt. ”

    Beau died singlehandedly defeating the TelePromptEr of Terror?


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