Biden State Department Slaps Pronouns on Emails and Misgenders Staff – IOTW Report

Biden State Department Slaps Pronouns on Emails and Misgenders Staff

‘Men are being identified as women and women as men. It’s ridiculous.’

WFB: The State Department says a “pronoun glitch” is to blame for a change in the email system that temporarily assigned random and often incorrect gender pronouns to employees, according to internal emails reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

State Department employees reported seeing the change earlier on Thursday, when emails from colleagues suddenly began to include random pronouns, like, “She/her/hers” and “He/Him/His” in the “from” line. The pronouns appear to have been randomly assigned, with men being given female pronouns and vice versa, according to several emails viewed by the Free Beacon. No reports of gender-neutral pronouns attached to email have emerged.

The pronouns appeared just a day after the State Department publicly celebrated “Interphobia Awareness Day,”  just one of the department’s many initiatives to promote gender inclusivity. Interphobia is the prejudice against those who say they are intersex, which means bodies that “fall outside the strict male/female binary,” according to Planned Parenthood. more

14 Comments on Biden State Department Slaps Pronouns on Emails and Misgenders Staff

  1. A “phobia” is a specific term, used by professionals, to describe an irrational fear. Objecting to the unreasonable nonsense is not based on fear and is based on rational thought, so is neither. Seems to be a reality-phobic behavior on their part.

    That said, business email is for? Business. It’s not a dating site, so a person’s sexual proclivities do not matter.

  2. My pronouns are I/Me and My/Mine. Those are up to me.
    What pronouns YOU use to refer to me are up to you.
    Whether I take offense at your choices is up to me again.

    Your turn.

  3. @Sippin’ Coffee:

    A “phobia” is a specific term, used by professionals, to describe an irrational fear. Objecting to the unreasonable nonsense is not based on fear and is based on rational thought, so is neither.

    Yes! The correct suffix is “-misia” meaning “dislike” or “aversion”.

  4. “My pronouns are I/Me and My/Mine. Those are up to me. What pronouns YOU use to refer to me are up to you.
    Whether I take offense at your choices is up to me again.

    Your turn.” -Uncle Al

    For what? Does chuckling count? 🤣

  5. State Dept. is a criminal enterprise.
    Hillary Clinton brought all the criminality out into the open.
    And we saw it again as State paraded a host of liars to falsely accuse President Trump.

    Shut it down and let the former employees shove their pronouns up their asses.
    (or up each others’ asses)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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