Biden Stops Approval of LNG Exports in Retaliation of Texas’ Defiance, Says Land Commissioner – IOTW Report

Biden Stops Approval of LNG Exports in Retaliation of Texas’ Defiance, Says Land Commissioner


Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham says President Joe Biden’s recent decision to stop approval of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exports looks “more like retaliation than a sound policy decision.” Biden’s announcement came one day after “Texas took a bold stand in defending our border against foreign invaders,” the commissioner added.

29 Comments on Biden Stops Approval of LNG Exports in Retaliation of Texas’ Defiance, Says Land Commissioner

  1. OT, something wrong with all the shit that drives my boob tube tonight. Weird. Anyway were stuck watch Troy Gowdy’s show on FOX and he’s got a bunch of RINOS on, including Kevin McCarthy, making the case for Haley as VP. Really? A little late for that morons.

  2. @Brad — That boy Gowdy’s show sounds like a panel of pundits discussing whether they should use a revolver or a semi-auto when they return from commercial break and play Russian Roulette.

  3. democrats love to sabotage American business. Obama practically peed in his pants shutting down drilling in the Gulf for a year and a half over a single oil spill. and that was just warmup for the scamdemic

  4. Uncle Al

    I’m sure the shows pre recorded. I’m wondering if they’d feel the same way today after Haley’s comments today about Trump. Haley has been assigned the task of stopping Trump for the RINOS. And they’re apparently not ready to throw in the towel. And now they’re just looking stoopid.

  5. Biden shot himself in the foot trying to punish Texas. What he’s done is going to piss off millions more of Americans. He’s removed the livelihood of a whole bunch of Texans involved in a legal trade.

    A really knucklehead move, and no way to win hearts and minds.

  6. Two of the major LNG terminals are near me. A third is under construction, but it was reported on the local news last night that construction has been halted due to the announcement. Many high paying jobs just got axed. Thousands of construction jobs and many permanent jobs are dead until Trump gets back in. On the bright side, Europeans will be freezing their faggot asses off next winter because of Biden, who they support. I was just in the UK and those morons believe everything that the leftist media says about Trump, especially the lies about January 6th. When they learned I was from Texas, some asked me if I owned a gun. I admitted owning ‘a’ gun. They looked at me like I was a degenerate because of it. I guess they would have stroked out if I told them how many I really own. They deserve to freeze.

  7. Dr. Hambone, I had a bit of the same thing from some California fucks who moved here a few years ago.

    One family wanted me to shoot a cow with a broken leg (no, they didn’t want me to shoot her with a broken leg, they wanted me to shoot her with a gun). I said no. Broken legs can be set. Why would you keep cattle and not own a gun? And why would you shoot a cow over a broken leg?

    The other family lost some horses due to not closing a gate. Oh well.

    “Can you help me… OH! I never seen anybody carry a gun! I’m from California and have never seen that!”

    I said I don’t know anything about horses. But gates need to stay shut.

  8. “… temporary pause on pending decisions of Liquefied Natural Gas exports – with the exception of unanticipated and immediate national security emergencies….”

    That’s a loophole you can sail a fleet of LNG tankers through. We blew up Nordstream and forced Europe to buy LNG from us, in order to cut off the cheap LNG from Russia. That’s a screaming “national security emergency” which goes to the heart of NATO and the EU economy.

    Biden cannot, and will not, stop shipping all the LNG to Europe that we can produce. He’s hoisted by his own petard. Literally. It’s another pathetic bluff by the bigfoot geniuses who run our economy while stepping on the dick of the geniuses who run our foreign policy. Just out-wait these fools, Texas. They have no leverage on you. They’re leveraged to the hilt in Ukraine.

  9. @Thirdtwin
    Please do not give Big Foots a bad name by association.
    I am Big Foot and I do not condone those fools.
    But you may place me with Texas.
    Big Foot Thanks You

  10. And? So? Pedo Joe stops “approval” of LNG exports from Texas.
    What if Texas sez “F**K YOU!” and continues to export LNG (hopefully to the continental US). What then? What’s Pedo Joe gonna do? Stamp his foot & issue a sternly worded memo?
    Ball’s in your court, Pedo Joe. (not that you’d know anything about having a pair).


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