Biden teases imminent 2024 announcement: ‘relatively soon’ – IOTW Report

Biden teases imminent 2024 announcement: ‘relatively soon’

JTN: President Joe Biden on Friday indicated he would make an official announcement about his plans for reelection in 2024 “relatively soon.”

Biden indicated that he had already decided on whether or not to seek reelection and that he had yet to merely make the official declaration, The Hill reported.

“I’ve already made that calculus. We’ll announce it relatively soon,” he said. “But the trip here just reinforced my sense of optimism about what can be done,” Biden told reporters before departing Ireland for the United States. I told you my plan is to run again.” more

14 Comments on Biden teases imminent 2024 announcement: ‘relatively soon’

  1. Trump will get 120 million votes and after a couple weeks of counting they will determine that pedo joe got 125 million. And about 20 million morons will believe that bullshit, just like last time.

  2. Get ready for;
    Biden Lane
    Biden Dr.
    Biden Blvd.
    Biden Highway
    Biden St.
    Biden Circle

    The people that write the history books will have schoolkids idolizing him for the next 60 years. Their grandfathers will risk imprisonment or death for telling the real story. Most likely because those same grandkids will rat them out.

    Yeah, I’m the most cynical early in the morning.

  3. 44% approval rating? Polls don’t vote.
    Programmers worked feverishly to test their new program in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania in the 2022 elections.
    They were successful.
    Dominion calculates the votes.
    Free and fair elections are a thing of the past, you have been disenfranchised.

  4. He’s going to announce his intention to continue shitting his pants, falling up steps & spouting nonsensical words & shaking hands with invisible people. While still putting in a full day from 1-3pm each weekday – except the Friday travel days to DE

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