Biden tells NASA engineer that Indian immigrants are ‘taking over the country’ – IOTW Report

Biden tells NASA engineer that Indian immigrants are ‘taking over the country’


President Joe Biden reportedly told an Indian-American NASA aerospace engineer Thursday during a webcast that Indian immigrants were “taking over the country.”

“It’s amazing. Indian-descent Americans are taking over the country — you, my vice president, my speechwriter,” Biden said to Swati Mohan, NASA’s guidance and controls operations lead for the Mars Perseverance rover landing, the New York Post reports.

Biden made the bizarre comment before praising diversity in the U.S. more

32 Comments on Biden tells NASA engineer that Indian immigrants are ‘taking over the country’

  1. They are apparently also taking over Social Security and Homeland Security according to a couple of recent telephone calls to me wherein I was informed my social security number was found at a crime scene, there was an arrest warrant out for me and the police were on their way, and that my bank accounts would be frozen if I attempted to write a check. Not to worry though – they were nice enough to take care of this problem when I wired a few hundred bucks to some guy who apparently lives in a parking lot in New Jersey.

    Come to think of it, this was either a scam or a telephone call from a Democrat member of Congress. I hope it was a scam – still stupid, but much less expensive.

  2. Mexican Indians, from Mexico, you know the thing.

    With the beans and the big guitar that could float on the water cause it was so big. you can put on a sail an get to Arizona like a boat.
    Just like John Wayne,
    Er not Gacy, the other one. The Hoss. No wait, that was Bonanza.
    The Duke. He was a also a bad dude, cause we used to watch westerns in Black & White, because the Tee Vees didn’t have color. So the bad guys wore Black and that’s how you knew that the Black guy was the bad guy. Not Black people who were loading the stage coach and making lemonade of course, just the black hat guys.
    And he would protect the stage coach & miss Kitty from the Indians.

  3. Harris is black or whatever else depending upon the narrative
    needed at the time. Also, how is it that people from India are
    thriving in the US when all us racists are supposed to be holding
    them back?

  4. @ flip MARCH 5, 2021 AT 10:59 AM

    Because the wokeness is nothing but an act. Their whole life is a lie, they congratulate themselves on being able to profit from their hypocrisy.

  5. I’ve worked with a lot of Indian and Paki mechanical engineers.There’s a reason they work for half the salary. They’re half as good. They suck. In the long run they cost their employers money through poor decision making.

  6. Brad.True,I have had to clean up a few of those messes. On the opposite end of the spectrum you get the Brits and the Germans,18 easy steps to screw in a light bulb.

  7. I was thinking Indian engineers as I watched the Space-X rocket explode this morning.

    If Joey can stay stupid rayciss things, so can everyone else. He is our Presidunce, our leader. (sheeeeit)

  8. Huron

    We are on the same page. I have some great stories. My favorite is a Paki quality engineer who just about cost Northrup Grumman a big military contract via a Cause and Corrective Action. The cause was heli coils pulling out of customer mounting holes. His corrective action was do a pull test on every single insert.

  9. Hell, an Indian woman will even take over the US Presidency.

    Too bad Joey won’t even know it happened because they’ll keep him at that fake podium in a basement in Delaware

  10. @DANCO

    Does you conglomerate sell Bags of Broken Glass, my previous supplier Mainway went out of business from Indian competition and I have been looking a local source.

  11. …well, they need Indians because Black people don’t want to be astronauts.

    They like the job OK and know enough to ignore what Joe Biden thinks about their computer literacy, but the Black astronauts just really hate communicating with Mission Control, you know, the whole “Yes, NASA”, “No, NASA”, “I will obey your command NASA” thing just doesn’t sound right for some reason…

  12. I knew some Indians – sharp dudes – good Engineers (one Nuke and one Mechanical).

    This was back in the 80s – and they could pretty much write their own tickets.

    The Nuclear and Physics World was filling up with Chinese, Indians, and Middle Easterners (not Jews).

    White males? Not so much.

    izlamo delenda est …


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