Biden to Detroit workers on Labor Day: ‘Don’t give up’ – IOTW Report

Biden to Detroit workers on Labor Day: ‘Don’t give up’

Detroit News

Detroit— Vice President Joe Biden on Monday rallied Metro area workers and urged them not to give up on a fight for worker equality.

Joe Biden Cheerleader

At a Labor Day rally at the site of the old Tiger Stadium, Biden said Americans need to start asking the right questions about what is going on in the workplace.

Ask why corporate productivity has gone up eight times more than workers’ salaries; why millionaires pay 15 percent in taxes when a GM worker earning $55,000 pays 25 percent; why the tax code is tilted in favor of the wealthy, he said.

“Folks, there is something wrong with this picture,” Biden told hundreds of labor supporters. “We have got to restore the bargain established by unions. … If we don’t, America is in real trouble.


image:  lamecherry

15 Comments on Biden to Detroit workers on Labor Day: ‘Don’t give up’

  1. If union workers had to live like the rest of us in the work force, (non-unionized) they would really be miserable. They are used to their fat-cat pay and fat-cat benefits. That is all they have ever known. It would kill them to live in our world.

    I say, piss on em’.

  2. “…why millionaires pay 15 percent in taxes when a GM worker earning $55,000 pays 25 percent…”

    Ummmm, slick, 15% is the long term capital gains rate, and 25% is the normal income tax rate. You can’t compare the two. A GM worker earning $55K would pay 15% on his capital gain, if he had one.

    Try comparing apples to apples. Better yet, try telling the truth for once.

  3. Hey Joey! I’m with you!

    Let’s repeal the 16th and eliminate income taxes once and for all, because a tax on income is immoral, if for no other reason.

    How bout it, Mr. President of the Senate? Ya really want to help the American worker or ya jus wanna bullshit?

  4. 4 years removed from Recovery Summer, the recipients of GM’s alive and Osama Is Dead need to be reminded to not give up hope?

    Does this stroked out shitmonkey not get the disconnect?

  5. At this point, any public appearance by Biden that doesn’t involve him dropping trou’ and eating his own poo while bragging about his non-existent law school scholarly achievements should be considered a winner of an outing by the White House.

  6. Sounds more like Obamacare sent Plugs to give the unions some end of life counseling.

    Buck up l’il Trooper! You’ve still got so much to live for.

    Talk about how We Are the 99% and then ride roughshod over the 93% of Americans who do belong to a union.

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