Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid – IOTW Report

Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid

Just The News:

The Biden administration will tell U.S. nursing homes they must require staffers be vaccinated for COVID-19 to continue to receive Medicare and Medicaid funding, according to news reports

President Biden is set to officially announced the change Wednesday afternoon, according to CNN, which learning of the matter from administration officials.

Biden will direct the Department of Health and Human Services to draft new regulations making vaccinations for nursing home employee a condition for such facilities to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the officials said.

The move represents a significant escalation in Biden’s campaign to get Americans vaccinated and the tools he is willing to use, marking the first time he has threatened to withhold federal funds in order to get people vaccinated. More here

25 Comments on Biden to direct nursing homes to have staffers vaccinated to continue to get Medicare and Medicaid

  1. Those who care for our elderly are some of the most caring, hardest working and poorly paid. Forcing them to be vaccinated against their will for them to keep their jab and care for their family is a shake down, bribery and heartless.

    Get the JAB or lose your job, Biden doesn’t give a damn about the elderly you care for or the family you provide for.

    Yet Whitmer and Cuomo walk free. Biden is a POS !

  2. Don’t be surprised if there’s an attempt at a military coup.

    We all get it: Biden will never defend our nation, from ANYTHING. He is completely compromised, and is selling us down the proverbial river.

  3. “That’s why Pedo had to get out of Afghanistan so quickly, so he could focus on his REAL enemy.”

    But in reality what he’s accomplished is gelling every vet from the Big Sand Box against him. They are pissed, they are talking. Will it fizzle? If the Taliban has over 10K of American Hostages, this story will be front and center for a while. Trying times perpetuated by fucking losers.

  4. What they have done to the elderly in nursing homes due to this plandemic should be criminal.
    Now they’re just going to keep forcing them to suffer.
    Nursing homes are short staffed as it is because their pay sucks. Now they will have fewer workers. The majority of employees in nursing homes are nurses aides, janitors, and cooks, most who barely make minimum wage. Many who can go to work at a fast food joint for more money, you really think they’re going to stay around?

  5. I just talked to my brother in our semi annual conversation. He’s a genuine Brown Shirt liberal, he actually inquired if I did my “civic duty” and get vaccinated. We are in strange times indeed!

  6. If you can take your elderly relatives—and friends who have no family!—home, do it NOW. They will be much safer…..

    There should be an increase in private eldercare workers ASAP.

  7. What ORWW said.

    Dear God if you have any loved ones in nursing homes, get them out NOW.

    But I pray to God that from Brad’s keystrokes to God’s ears this hits SCOTUS quickly. If not, the nursing home deaths won’t be from COVID but rather neglect. The CNAs at my facility are surrounded by stores and restaurants desperate for them.

  8. @Hoo Hoo Nay Nay–

    You are absolutely correct, a huge tragedy is impending. The vulnerable people in nursing homes will be the immediate and innocent victims of this evil, which is spreading faster than we can keep track of.

  9. Nothing will distract me from the incompetent Biden disaster he created in Afghanistan, Putting US Lives at risk.
    Biden’s Cowardly act. You built this, you own it ! !

    Was the Afghan disaster meant to deflect our attention from all the election audits showing fraud and corruption?
    Who actually know what is in Joe’s Mind, he sure doesn’t.

  10. You’re right Brad, 10 thousand or more Americans being cut up by the goat lovers ain’t gonna go well with most people. I would predict the left will dump on Slow Joe to pull the I’m shocked card soon. This may be their undoing?
    They are about to make America pissed.

  11. @ Joe6pack,

    Believe me when I say that I didn’t mean too offend you by writing that, but by his own choice your brother wrote himself off.

    …….and misery loves company. That’s why these psychopaths want as many people to join them in the hell that is about to become them.

    I suspect however that it’ll soon be speculated and then proved that the vaccinated are specifically designed to be human petri dishes in order to put everybody at risk of untimely death.

  12. Maine has already had numerous nursing homes close due to lack of money and employees.
    This will force more to close.

    Pedo Joe is very experienced with blackmail so this is his go to move.
    Did anyone see that Burisma admitted under oath in court that they bribed Joe?

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