Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline in Bid to Reduce Prices for Summer Driving Season – IOTW Report

Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline in Bid to Reduce Prices for Summer Driving Season

GP: Joe Biden is releasing one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve in a bid to reduce prices as summer driving season begins (and the November presidential election draws nearer.) The timing is similar to Biden’s a 2022 sale of millions of barrels of oil from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum reserve that sought to drive down prices before that year’s midterm elections that has left the reserves dangerously low with Biden slow-walking efforts to refill it. more here

22 Comments on Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline in Bid to Reduce Prices for Summer Driving Season

  1. Bullshit. He’s trying to deceive the ignorant into thinking he’s been good for the economy in order to boost his re-election chances.

    Ain’t gonna work, Captain shit-pants.

  2. I remember biden* saying he would give all taxpayers $2000 for covid in 2020.
    After he was “elected*” he said “minus the last $600 Trump provided”
    Sack of shit.

    Fucker is an evil bastard that will do ANYTHING to stay in power.

  3. “Biden Administration is laser focused on lowering prices at the pump”

    Man, I am so relieved knowing Joe is laser focused on financial concerns and issues facing US families, I thought he had forgotten us the last 3 1/2 years.

    I’m sure the conspiracy theorists are going to say good old Joe doesn’t give a damn about US Citizens and the release of 14 MILLION Barrels of oil and temporary price cut of Gas Prices has something to do with his upcoming Presidential Election.
    Naysayers. /s

  4. Soooo … we paid for it when it went into reserve and now we get to buy it back?
    With additional State and Federal taxes?

    I don’t know but something stinks about this.

    We’re probably not as dumb as Europe, but we’re trying!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “ Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline in Bid to Reduce Prices for Summer Driving Season”
    Biden to Release 1 Million Barrels of Gasoline in Bid to Win Election.

  6. We wouldn’t be in this situation if Jackass Joe hadn’t strangled the nation of it’s own energy resources on day fukkin ONE! It’s simply the patented democRAT Dick Move of “Create a Crisis – Solve a Crisis (in show only)” then blow their own horns and pat themselves on the back about what good boys they are!!

    To Hell with each and every one of them, and remember, it’s not a broad brush when they all vote in lock-step with each other!

  7. 1 Million Barrels of gasoline.

    Isn’t that about 55 Million gallons?

    I’ll wager Americans burn that in less than a day on the road.

    But, One 𝙈𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙊𝙉 Barrels!!11!!

    Wow. What a great President he is, Harvey!

  8. “Ain’t gonna work, Captain shit-pants.”

    I think you may be under estimating the core Dem base. I know the libtards I know will never wake up to reality and do the right thing politically.


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