Biden to set free ’20th hijacker’ from 9/11 – IOTW Report

Biden to set free ’20th hijacker’ from 9/11

WND: The Biden administration is working on plans to release the suspected 20th hijacker involved in the 9/11 terror attack, that assault on America during which terrorists, mostly from Saudi Arabia, crashed four hijacked jets into New York and Washington buildings, killing almost 3,000 innocent people.

The New York Times reports Mohammed al-Qahtani never was put on trial because he was “brutally interrogated by the U.S. military” at Guantanamo Bay’s prison for terrorists.

He survived the 9/11 carnage because he was denied entry to the U.S. at the time of the attack, and so couldn’t be among those who boarded the four jets and crashed them. read more

24 Comments on Biden to set free ’20th hijacker’ from 9/11

  1. Soon to be appointed leader of the the new Afgan (Taliban) immigrants in the US.
    Taking pilot lessons at an airport near you.
    The Dems need more foot soldiers.
    You work for for us now, said Shuck Cheumer.

  2. This only makes sense if you believe that the January 6, 2020 protests at the Capital was an “Insurrection” and worse than the September 11, 2001 attacks on America. If you believe that you are either suffering from dementia (Joey Obiden) or terminal stupidity (Kalamity Harris). It also helps if you really, really hate this country (Baracky Osmidgen). When has this country ever been in the hands of so many traitors?

  3. “ part of his interrogations he was deprived of sleep and water and made to “bark like a dog, dance with a man and wear women’s underwear on his head.”


  4. The human traffickng slave trading Joe Biden is laughably trying to boost his otherwise single-digit poll numbers. Fact is that particular population simply hates him especially for his (known and filmed) racist slurs against them.

  5. What’s the harm of releasing known psychopaths?
    Obama set the standard to support muslim regimes and terrorists. Biden is just the figurehead with Obama’s staff calling the shots.
    We’ll hear this scumbags name again in the near future and the number of murders.

  6. He needs to be ventilated, at least a 308.
    Joe didn’t wake up and think to himself boy, you know this poor guy has been through a lot I need to get him out.
    Old slow Joe’s got a team of people just to make sure he doesn’t walk out without pants on.
    This is got Barky’s name all over it.


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