Biden Transportation Czar Invested In Firm Flagged As ‘Tool’ Of Chinese Communist Party By State Dept. – IOTW Report

Biden Transportation Czar Invested In Firm Flagged As ‘Tool’ Of Chinese Communist Party By State Dept.

Also, she reminds Joe of Aunt “Watch it, Sucka!” Esther.

National Pulse

Amidst the Biden White House’s push for massive transportation and infrastructure plans, one of the effort’s key engineers – Nuria Fernandez – has a financial stake in a company linked directly to the Chinese Communist Party: Tencent. Fernandez’s recent financial disclosure reveals she owns stock in the company worth $1,001 – $15,000.

The State Department’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation has described Tencent as a “tool of the Chinese government,” noting the company has “no meaningful ability to tell the Chinese Communist Party ‘no’ if officials decide to ask for their assistance.” Even the progressive group Amnesty International rated Tencent’s data encryption capabilities zero out of 100, noting it hadn’t “stated publicly that they will not grant government requests to backdoor.”

It provides “a foundation of technology-facilitated surveillance and social control” as part of the CCP’s broader crusade “to shape the world consistent with its authoritarian model,” the State Department report added. more

8 Comments on Biden Transportation Czar Invested In Firm Flagged As ‘Tool’ Of Chinese Communist Party By State Dept.

  1. Biden has a trsnspo czar?

    So Buttigieg…what is it exactly that you’d say you do at DOT. Other than ride SUV’s to your bicycle and electric car photo ops.

  2. she owns stock in the company worth $1,001 – $15,000.
    She’s a piker.
    Hunter has over a $BILLION of CCP money invested.
    She’s free and clear, just like Hunter.
    That’s the way the biden family and his administration rolls.


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