Biden Voted to Block Creation of Senate Office That Handles Sexual Harassment Complaints – IOTW Report

Biden Voted to Block Creation of Senate Office That Handles Sexual Harassment Complaints

Then-senator Joe Biden backed a procedural motion declaring the office unconstitutional.

Wa Free Beacon:

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden voted in favor of a motion that would have blocked the creation of the Senate office that receives sexual harassment complaints.

Biden was one of six Democrats who joined an effort to block the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices in 1991 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. The vote came less than two years before Tara Reade allegedly filed a complaint about her treatment as an employee in Biden’s Senate office.

Created as a part of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 in the shadow of Anita Hill’s testimony on Capitol Hill, the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices was an attempt to remedy the fact that Congress was, at the time, exempt from workplace discrimination laws. An amendment to the civil rights law introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) chartered the office and provided “procedures to protect the right of Senate and other government employees … to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.” read more

5 Comments on Biden Voted to Block Creation of Senate Office That Handles Sexual Harassment Complaints

  1. There were then, and still are today, too many foxes in charge of watching the hen house.
    There’s a new sheriff dog at the farm house and that has the old foxes scared stiff, and why they got their hackles up.
    They were used to having good ol’ Barnyard Dawg {} they could beat around every which way but loose, but this new guard dog isn’t the same as the old guard dog.
    And I can’t wait to see the Fourth of July fireworks in 2021 {Oregon Gov currently has the state locked down until July 6th. Gee, Gov VeraKatez Brown, why not June 29th (Mon) or July 3 (Fri)? Why keep the state locked down through July 4th? Wow, I can’t possibly imagine the powerplay that might maybe be going on there.}

  2. Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention again:
    Joe Biden – treating women like bowling balls since 1972.
    Now that would be a great campaign poster.
    Do a Kingpin poster {} except it’s Biden instead of Harrleson and his hand with the bowling ball is up near her {well you know} – and there is no bowling ball, but his hand is still in the “holding a bowling ball formation”.
    If you really wanted to get weird and gross with it (which Biden would actually do) you could put Greta Thunberg in for the woman and change the hook into a normal hand.


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