Biden voter Alan Dershowitz says admin using ‘stupidest, dumbest argument’ on executive privilege – IOTW Report

Biden voter Alan Dershowitz says admin using ‘stupidest, dumbest argument’ on executive privilege

JTN: Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said the Biden Administration is putting forward “the stupidest, dumbest legal argument” he has heard by claiming that the current president can waive the executive privilege of a former president. 

Dershowitz, who admitted to voting for President Joe Biden in 2020, slammed the White House’s legal claims during an interview with “Just the News, Not Noise” on Thursday.

“The way it works is if Congress wants to enforce a subpoena, it goes to court. It has a hearing in which both sides are presented, not to a political body like Congress, but to a neutral judicial body like the court and the court decides whether or not the claim of privilege prevails,” Dershowitz responded to editor-in-chief John Solomon, who had asked for the legal scholar’s opinion on the case of former Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro. 

The former White House advisor was arrested last week for defying a Jan. 6 committee subpoena, which he refused to follow citing executive privilege. 

“I voted for Biden,” Dershowitz prefaced before continuing: “The Biden administration has put forward the dumbest legal argument I have heard in my almost 60 years of practicing law, the dumbest legal argument. more

12 Comments on Biden voter Alan Dershowitz says admin using ‘stupidest, dumbest argument’ on executive privilege

  1. Dershowitz has been associated with Epstein and with Roman Polanski. Kinda hard to take anything he says seriously.
    Of course he is right in this case – but the current administration’s policy has zero to do with following any laws.

  2. The law is what we SAY it is.

    We will send the FBI to your house at 3AM to roust your naked wife and put you in January 6th Prison without trial forever after planting child porn on your computer while we take all your stuff including your bank account and investigate your children to death if you don’t believe that.

  3. Remember everyone that this sack of shit took money from an international drug smuggler to have him petition president Trump to commute his sentence. He is the textbook definition of evil.


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