Biden vows to end the fossil fuel industry just as the US achieves energy independence – IOTW Report

Biden vows to end the fossil fuel industry just as the US achieves energy independence

PML- When asked if he would close down the oil industry as part of his climate change mission, Joe Biden told Americans he “would transition from the oil industry, yes” Biden said. “It pollutes significantly.”

This was a big statement by the former Vice President, who in the name of fixing climate change has vowed to upend the entire energy industry. more here

Big Oil warns of ‘deep depression’ under Biden energy plan

‘Millions of jobs will be lost’

7 Comments on Biden vows to end the fossil fuel industry just as the US achieves energy independence

  1. What an asshat, we use petroleum based products from the moment we wake up til the moment we go to bed, I guess we’ll all be living in caves and reading by šŸ•Æļø candlelight. šŸ˜

  2. Does anyone advocating this horse shit understand that petroleum products are necessary to produce asphalt, which is needed to build and repair the roads and highways that all these electric automobiles and trucks are going to be driven on sometime in the year 2035? Of course, by then, we can import all our petroleum from our sister country, Venezuela, since President AOC will have a close personal relationship with whoever the dictator is when sheā€™s running the 52 American States.

  3. Miss Kitty
    OCTOBER 24, 2020 AT 5:06 PM
    “I guess weā€™ll all be living in caves and reading by candlelight.”

    …nah, as for reading, Democrats have always very actively discouraged that among their slave populations; not that it matters anyway, because it’s not like the Chinese are going to let us Gweilos live at ALL, so no worries about living in caves…

  4. It’s very simple for those with the capacity to think and reason. Without fossil fuels and the internal combustion engine, 95% of us would never have been born. And those who were would likely be living in primitive, feudal societies in a deforested landscape. Anyone who doesn’t grasp this fact is a shallow moron not worth listening to on any issue.


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