Biden Walks Away From Question About Rising Prices For Americans – IOTW Report

Biden Walks Away From Question About Rising Prices For Americans

Daily Caller:

Joe Biden ignored a question from a reporter about rising prices in the U.S. and simply walked away.

The 46th President spoke at a press conference Wednesday and was asked by a reporter, “should Americans be worried about inflation, sir?” Biden turned and walked away.

Americans have experienced an increase in gas prices since March when the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ and their allies’ announced a decrease in oil production, according to The New York Times (NYT).

Saudi Arabia announced it would decrease its oil production by one million barrels a day — the equivalent of about 1 percent of world supply — to about 8.1 million barrels a day, the NYT reported. Saudi Arabia was originally producing 11 million barrels of oil a day, according to the report.

Rising prices across the country have fueled worries of potential inflation in the future. The increases, partially fueled by non-existent interest rates and record government spending, could lead to inflation that the U.S. has not seen in decades, experts say.  read more

23 Comments on Biden Walks Away From Question About Rising Prices For Americans

  1. Walkaway. I LIKE it.

    Let’s all put him on an ice floe in the Aleutians, and then we can ALL “WALKAWAY” from this disastrous foray into “electing”… 🙄 … dementia patients to high office! 😀

  2. Either he doesn’t know what the average American is dealing with crushing price increases of necessities or just doesn’t care.

    Either way he’s a failuring as a leader of a Nation that is being crippled by his policies.

  3. Technically, he didn’t walk away from the question. He already had turned and was walking away before the question was asked. HOWEVER, most politicians – and definitely DJT – would have stopped, turned around and answered that question. UNLESS, you didn’t have a good answer. Nuff said.

  4. It’s a total distraction to blame bungling Biden for the actions of his handlers.

    It is his handlers that need to be on the receiving end of Biden’s statements and/or actions.

    He IS NOT a failing leader of this nation because he IS NOT the leader of this nation, he is ‘president’ in name only so as to distract from the truth.

    It’s more accurate to say Soros is the leader…..

  5. Wait till it’s made public that this whole administration is bogus, all props, body doubles, and stages. just like what the nuts used to say about the moon landing only this is a true to life “Fuck You America” by the NEW WORLD ORDER assholes!

  6. “Rudderless” is the perfect word. “Malicious” is another one.

    Do you get the feeling we are a disaster waiting to happen? As if what’s gone on so far isn’t enough? The people I’ve talked to in the supermarket, gas station and hardware store are all thinking the same thing.

  7. Had to do grocery shopping today(ugh). The price of everything on the shelves has gone up nearly 10% from what I can see, if not more. On the flip side, there are many items sold out, probably from people getting what they can while they can. Of course, this will not affect our betters in the government one iota.


    My fear is that our ship is right on course, according to the progressive communist destination plan.

  9. @Thirdtwin

    Excellent observation. The 2 Bidens are openly turning their backs on you.

    I’m used to it. Our Prick has been doing it for +6 years now.


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