Biden wants volunteers to work the southern border – IOTW Report

Biden wants volunteers to work the southern border

Republic Brief: Homeland Security is considering whether to call on volunteers to reinforce its efforts at the southern border, a fear of an inundation of immigrants far outstripping its capacity.

There is a real possibility that the U.S. will experience another wave of mass migration if the Biden administration lifts Title 42, the provision border agents have relied upon during the pandemic to manage the border crisis.

John Tien, DHS Deputy Secretary, told employees ‘to consider stepping forward to support the DHS Volunteer Force,’ an email says, a year following the volunteer force’s activation during last year’s migrant crisis.

Last year, the U.S. volunteer force helped resettle Afghan refugees, as well as assist with the migrant surge. The email says that over 1,400 employees have already volunteered. more

25 Comments on Biden wants volunteers to work the southern border

  1. So they don’t want volunteers to secure the border, they just want volunteers to help resettle the invaders here in the US, and, presumably get them free services, and voter registration.

  2. Only if I can bring my own weapons and Teh Gooberment provides the ammo & food. Oh, and I want a signed declaration of NO prosecutions for anything I do down there.

  3. It’s not about stopping them, it’s about facilitating their invasion.
    Because we need to bring people in with an IQ of 65 and we’ll definitely need help filling out their ballots.

  4. Lancer Trippel
    MARCH 18, 2022 AT 12:00 PM
    “Can I bring my AR?”


    …but if you actually USE it, expect to be immediately stripped of your civil rights, sent to a majority Hispanic prison on general population with malfunctioning cameras and a broken cell door lock, the “president” and congress to denounce you as an example of White Supremacy, the media doxxing your family forcing them to flee, your house burnt down while the police stand down, your children taken away forever and all your wordly goods seized by various agencies and courts and given to the very illegals you were supposed to keep out as entire cities are burned over your alleged racism.

    So go ahead.

    Bring your AR.

    The Pedo administration will be grateful for the distraction and the excuse to start confiscating them.

    Just in time for the “elections”.

  5. Not me
    MARCH 18, 2022 AT 12:58 PM
    “He should ask for volunteers to guard the White house.”

    …he’d have no trouble at all finding guys willing to stand around the white house with guns.

    It’s which way they are likely to point them that makes it problematic.

  6. Anyone who volunteers will immediately be put under investigation by the DHS as an “extremist”. Never volunteer for people you already know are evil, duplicitous cunts.


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