Biden White House Publishes Plans to Block The Sun – IOTW Report

Biden White House Publishes Plans to Block The Sun

National Pulse: A Biden White House report released late Friday appears to show the U.S. government toying with the idea of blocking the sun’s rays in an attempt to “quickly cool the planet“.

The catchily named Congressionally Mandated Research Plan And An Initial Research Governance Framework Related To Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) discusses various means by which to limit the amount of sunlight that hits Earth, including the deployment of aerosols into the stratosphere – a concept known as “geoengineering” first reported on at The National Pulse six months ago.

Other methods mentioned include cloud brightening, and even the deployment of mirrors in space, though the report does not specifically investigate the impact of the latter at any meaningful length. more here

33 Comments on Biden White House Publishes Plans to Block The Sun

  1. All the energy that the Earth has ever and will ever have comes from the sun.
    This makes perfect sense when you consider that the first thing Jackass Joe did when he TOOK office was to strangle us from our energy supplies and exploration!

    BTW, all the energy that Man burns in 24 hours is miniscule compared to the energy that the Earth receives on a daily basis!
    The is NO man made global warming. Itz the sun stupid!

  2. Ah, another scheme to fleece the taxpayers and fatten the wallets of the political class.
    Put Hunter in charge of it. He’s the smartest guy Bribery Biden knows.

  3. ^^^…the idea of blocking the sun’s rays…including the deployment of aerosols into the stratosphere…”

    I’m puzzled by something with this-
    what they want to, and probably already do, is release into the atmosphere ‘particles,’ which include ‘sulfur-dioxide particles.’ I’m old enough to remember ‘acid rain.’ I’ll leave the toxicity of doing that alone for now, and will agree that substances do have reflective qualities. The release of those substances would be intended to reflect solar radiation. It probably would. I imagine it could be possible to introduce enough substances into the atmosphere, that the sun would not even be visible.
    What I don’t understand is- how do they plan to assign a direction for the reflectivity? The ‘particles’ would equally reflect earth’s heat back to earth as well as that incoming from the sun, away from it. Do their particles have a top and a bottom, and how will they orient them? ‘Smart particles?.’ ‘Shiny side up?’
    This is nonsense, and it further ignores the electromagnetic influences of the sun on the earth, and how significant that is, and how little effect poisoning our atmosphere would have on that.
    And just to stay entirely scientific- what about the ‘Dutch Oven’ effect? This, very basically, is a reverse ‘Dutch Oven’ effect. It always gets out into the room. I think they should rename this proposed project ‘The Reverse Dutch Oven Project’- at least, that’s what it smells like to me.

  4. Biden malAdministration Signals They Are Fully Onboard With Plans To Implement Next Phase Of Satan’s Agenda Of Increasing Innocent Human Suffering, Misery & Death.

  5. We don’t know who struck first, us or them. But we do know it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun.

  6. I still like the idea of a giant Venetian blind in space that we can open and close as needed. Send me money and I will help implement it. (none for the ‘Big Guy’)

  7. Toby Miles – Neal Stephenson recently wrote a SF book called Termination Shock about using sulfur cannon to seed sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  8. Sniffer Joe wrote a memo: I think a better plan would be to boil the oceans which releases steam into the Sun’s Cloud System and would then block the Sun’s evil plan to bake us to death. I believe the Sun as Darth Vader’s secret weapon to destroy the universe.

  9. I’m going to apply for funding to do a study.
    I think I begin to see how these things work.
    They want to ban cow farts because they reflect heat back to the earth. I will engineer ‘smart farts’ that will be upside down in the atmosphere, and they will reflect the sun’s energy. It ia tha simple, it appears.
    I’ll be rich!!! lol

  10. At first I thought the report was about approved plans to be implemented. Instead, it looks like more typical government boondoggling to throw money at leftish businesses which say their prayers with just the right words and intonation. None of these schemes will ever actually come to pass, nor are they intended to. It’s just vote buying ahead of ’24.


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