Biden: ‘Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds?’ – IOTW Report

Biden: ‘Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds?’

Daily Caller:

Referring to the nation’s “irrational gun policy,” Biden said, “I’m the only one in the United States that has ever, in fact, beat the NRA flat out, eliminating assault rifles.” The crowd applauded and Biden continued, “There is no rationale for us to have these assault weapons. Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds?”

38 Comments on Biden: ‘Who needs a clip that can hold 100 rounds?’

  1. & these are the idiots that want to run this country

    Lord help us

    … & if Biden owned a shotgun half his immediate family would probably be dead from accidental discharges (no pun intended) by now … smh

  2. Poor Joe, so effin stupid. Has no idea he’s a useful idiot. Does not know that when Carl Marx’s followers get in power one of the first things they do is to execute the gullible fools like Biden who betrayed their own country. Clintons and Obamas would be at the top of the list as well.

  3. Who needs a 100 round MAGAZINE, Greezy Joe? I do. I need a 100 round magazine. Why? Because FUCK YOU. YOU don’t get to tell ME how to enjoy myself, plinking at the range.

    YOU proved your murderously INSANE Incompetence by telling women to buy a double barrelled shotgun, go out on their porches and firing two rounds into the air to scare off intruders. A) what goes up must come down, you stupid asshole. That buckshot will kill innocent people! B) firing both rounds leaves the woman defenseless while she’s reloading, you stupid schmuck.


  4. I wonder if that 40mm fully-semi-automatic revolvo-pistole comes with a 100 round clip?…… I still want one.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. Get a load of this fucking cracker.

    Joe Biden couldn’t beat his own meat and he alone beat the NRA. 100 Senators, 435 members of the House, dozens of state legislatures, courts, PACs, media but no. Biden took a stand against the tides of history.

    Tucker Carlson was right. Biden has a million bullshit stories like that one where he’s Atticus Finch against the world and wins every single time.

    Anyone who applauds that is an insufferable dickbag who is gullible enough to take their pants off if their dentist asked them to.

  6. A CLIP loads rounds into a box magazine: i.e., the stripper clips that are used to load 5.56 rounds into an M16/AR15 magazine; the clip that is used to load rounds into the fixed box magazine of a Mosin-Nagant.

    Doofus Joe.

  7. the US M1 Garand was loaded via an ‘en-bloc’ clip, where all 8 cartridges were set in the block clip & loaded in-mass, making the M1 an 8-shot semi-automatic, as opposed to most other countries in WWII that used single-shot bolt-action rifles that used primarily single-strip 5-shot clips

    … until the German StG 44, which changed the game to magazines

  8. … apologies for forgetting the US M1 carbine ‘war baby’ that had a standard 15-round magazine, developed in 1938 & used during WWII

    … other than that, Joe Biden is still an idiot … where the rest of the D’rat crowd are just a bunch of extremely dangerous morons

  9. 100 round clip? Wouldn’t it be just as easy to load the magazine by itself?

    Anyway, gang, he needs a 100 round clip for the same reason someone would want red underwear — because he fucking wants it, and can pay for it.

  10. someone needs to do a photoshop of a 100-round clip … seriously, one could easily slash a thumb on that thing!

    … the exaggerated porn connotations alone would be hilarious

    “oh Joe, whip out your big 100-round clip, big boy”

    … hey, they don’t call ’em ‘stripper clips’ for nothing, man

  11. Hey Joe. Your ilk says Climate Change is the biggest threat to human existence. Did you say to your grifter friends the Obamas, that nobody needs a $15 million, 6,800 sq ft, 8 bedroom Estate in Martha’s Vineyard? That carbon footprint certainly more dangerous than a non-existent 100 round clip, no?

  12. RightWinger….off the top off the turnbuckle with a devastating elbow to Creepy Joes head!….

    Creepy Joe is not moving as RightWinger circles the ring to the wild acclaim of the audience!

  13. And now we have a clip that holds a hundred rounds…

    …of applause!

    “Go Joe!
    Go Joe!
    Go Joe!”


    “Joe’s gone.”

    “What do you mean? He was just here!”

    “He’s dead, Jim.”

    “Actually, he’s worse than dead. His brain is gone.”

  14. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ AUGUST 26, 2019 AT 10:42 PM

    Three words fit all situations regarding clips – including yours.

    Clips load magazines.

    The empty space in the Garand, that the en-bloc clip loads, is the magazine.

    Too many people are starting to think a Detachable Box Magazine is the only kind of magazine when many are like the Garand and it’s in the gun itself.

    For further example see: whole buildings are called magazines when they store ammo.

    I have a 100 round mag for my 5.56. My son, the police officer, asked why I need that. My answer: You never know when a herd of zombie deer might attack. Don’t play stupid with me when you know the answer.

  15. A Bazooka got’s a hunert round clip.
    An a Howitzer, too!

    Y’know, as long as you gotz SS potection and US Capitol Police, you don’t need no gun (trow in dere the EPS, too).

    When e’ry mans gotz his own GESTAPO/KGB guy follown him around, he wont’ need to partake of self-defense!

  16. Having the ability to fire off 100 rounds might be helpful at times, Joe. You know, like when a goofy pedophile makes unwanted advances on your little girl’s chest.

  17. Joe Biden is evil. Remember that he got us the Gun Free Zones which have allowed mass murderers to pick defenseless target rich environments. The Constitution does not permit such an infringement. So I forever curse this FOOL and know that he will burn in Hell for lives he sacrificed.

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