Biden will appear on Jimmy Kimmel’s show as Americans struggle with multiple crises – IOTW Report

Biden will appear on Jimmy Kimmel’s show as Americans struggle with multiple crises

Pacific Pundit: As as Americans struggle with multiple crises like inflation, gas prices (related to inflation), baby formula shortages, a wide open border, Joe Biden is going on a blackface comedian’s show. Yes, despite all the problems Biden and his party have caused the American people, and despite chilling at the beach all weekend, Joe Biden is going on blackface Jimmy Kimmel’s “comedy” show this week. It’s sure to be a barrel of laughs. more

33 Comments on Biden will appear on Jimmy Kimmel’s show as Americans struggle with multiple crises

  1. Multiple crises, yep, not going to be a good week for Trump. Prime-time roasting by the Jan 6th committee. Most likely a call for federal charges to be placed against him for conspiracy, treason & his attempt to overthrow the American government. He will not look like a candidate for office, more like a inmate for prison.

  2. @Brad: It’s interesting that Donald Trump keeps living rent free in libs’ heads. Biden has been the President for a year and one-half, but no one compares anything Biden has done with Trump’s accomplishments. I have progressive friends who continue to dump on Trump, but when you ask then what Biden as accomplished – as compared to any President including Trump – I get nothing but “Orange man bad.” It’s to the point that these people can’t even compare Biden’s “accomplishments” to Jimmah Carter.

  3. Wyatt
    I was just thinking the same thing. It’s like Trump permanently wrecked them. Ask them to name one of Trumps policies that they disagreed with and they can’t. It’s amazing that he had that hard of an impact on these zombies.

  4. You guys oh so funny! Every goddamn day crying big tears about Biden this, Biden that, Obama mama controls him, Hillary gives him pointers.
    Your teeny tiny brains just can’t get Biden out of your heads. You know why, cause you just love him to death. I know for a fact, you all just wanna go up to him & give him the biggest bestest hair sniff in the world, especially Brad & he wants that famous Biden hair sniff back.

  5. ^^^^^ Told ya. They’re dumb fucking zombies. “We hate him, even though we’re not really sure why” Stupid fucking people. Go find some friends bitch. You lose.

  6. @Brad & Wyatt – it’s why I think that even though deSantis is great and Trump does a lot of frustrating things (Dr. Oz endorsement being a recent one), I still think Trump is the best bet now. DeSantis will have his time, but Trump can deal with a ton of crap.

  7. It’s not “biden this, biden that” it’s the latest in a series of new lows in a continuing saga of failure. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion; just can’t look away.
    Are YOU better off now than When Trump was in office?
    Or are you permanently on the dole?

  8. LCD
    I agree. I believe we need another term of Trump so he can try and kill off as much Deep State as he can. I won’t have a second term to worry about so he could step on even more toes. If possible. And then I’d love to see 8 years of DeSantis.

  9. @ Brad JUNE 7, 2022 AT 4:48 PM

    They do what they have been conditioned to do. If it’s the current thing they are all in. The dumb sonsabitches have to be in with the in crowd, don’tcha know?

  10. @JillB

    Would you let Joe Biden sniff your hair, or your daughter’s hair, if you have one.

    Here’s what Joe will do…he’ll pretend to sniff your daughter’s hair, but his real objective is to snort a great big green slimy booger into your daughter’s beautiful locks.

    Is that what you really want for America? A place where old perverts do unspeakably terrible things to little kids?

  11. Definitely watching. Can’t miss the possibility Demwit Joe will trip, forget his train of thought or make a gaffe. Commie Stooge Kimmel will be doing most of the talking, prompting and fawning, hoping to make Demwit Joe “look good” which is impossible.

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