Biden will destroy Texas -Grant Stinchfield – IOTW Report

Biden will destroy Texas -Grant Stinchfield

‘The Great Texas Shutdown’ has incapacitated the ‘The Lone Star State,’ says Grant Stinchfield – but it’s only the tip of the iceberg if Biden were to get his way – via Newsmax TV’s ‘STINCHFIELD.’

23 Comments on Biden will destroy Texas -Grant Stinchfield

  1. “Biden will destroy Texas”

    …on purpose, and under orders.

    ..but John Roberts said they had no standing to sue for Original Jurisdiction relief over other state’s election fraud, even though they will CLEARLY suffer for it NOW…

  2. “This is what you get when people that don’t believe in government; are running your government”


    “This is what you get when people that don’t believe in government; are running your government”

    That is the DUMBEST person on the planet. That idiot makes AOC+C sound like a rocket surgeon.

  3. Dear Texas,

    Tell the Federal Government to take a hike and secede (which you have a contractual right to do), start pumping oil and gas again, fire-up your power stations & refineries, take down the bird killing windmills, kick the illegals out, finish the wall and announce Texas is open for business again. Invite the best, brightest and hardest working people from the dying U.S. and Mexico to become Texas citizens. Export your excess oil, food, power, technology and common sense to the rest of the continent. In other words, become America again.

    Or, continue your current course, go down the drain and let your infrastructure collapse.

    Your choice.

  4. My part of the state is sunny today and the snow and ice are melting. So we had a few days of hazardous driving conditions, some loss of utilities, temporary work and school shutdown, same shit that is happening around the country. As big of a dipshit as that jackass Biden is, he had no part in dropping this shit on us, and we’re not looking for Washington to come rescue us. We’re getting the utilities back up, the roads cleared, the burst pipes repaired just like they do every winter in New York and Detroit. Been way over sensationalized in media.

    As for Beto F. O’Roarke, GFY and move to Seattle where your fan base is.

  5. Thanks for that info Colonel.
    I was beginning to think you Texans were a bunch of soybois, bitching about something that happens all winter up here in North Maine.
    When it snows, we pack it down and ride our snomobiles on it.
    When it gets real cold and the lakes freeze, we drill holes and ice fish.
    If it happens to get warm, and rain, we celebrate the “January Thaw” that always comes sometime during the winter, even if it isn’t January.

  6. People help neighbors in the rural parts of Texas. It is expected that you will check on older neighbors whether you know them well or not. When you make a trip to the store, you ask if they need anything. Apparently, a lot of the city folk in our state sit in their cars and charge their phones so they can bitch that the governor isn’t taking care of them.

  7. @Cherrybark: people in the cities have gone above and beyond in helping us too. There is a guy in Arlington who amazes me at how much he helps people. He doesn’t ask for a thing in return either.

  8. Larry’s Brother is right.
    This isn’t about neighbors being neighborly. It’s about getting your gov in order before you have to live with rolling blackouts or brownouts 15 times per week. Not just because the system sucks, but because (insert politician) is pissed at you.

  9. So much of the ground here is limestone, especially here in aquiferland, Water and other utilities tend to not be buried real deep in a lot of places.
    Since we don’t get hard freezes too often (OTOH this has bee 2 winters in a row)<
    Shallow utils aren't a problem – until they are.

  10. The sad thing is, the little libturd jonM was here talking about how all republicans are bad and it’s all their fault, dems are awesome. And then libturd made a statement akin to, “Oh I love the gubmint! I love the gubmint touching my dick, even when I don’t want it to.”

  11. Look at this soon to be banned fool.

    Such self loathing. Such mental confusion… It’s brain looks like Walt Disney threw up.

    Oh well, some people prefer misery.

    Which is always funny as hell.


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