Biden Withdrawal Leaves Navy Vet In Taliban’s Hands – IOTW Report

Biden Withdrawal Leaves Navy Vet In Taliban’s Hands

Palmieri Report: Navy veteran Mark Frerichs remains a hostage of the Taliban as the Biden administration panics to bring home troops and civilians remaining in the country.

Frerichs, a civilian contractor kidnapped by the Taliban in January 2020, could be left behind in the panic to evacuate Americans who are trapped in Kabul as the city comes under Taliban control. President Joe Biden only mentioned Frerichs, whose location is unknown, once in a July speech, though government officials have assured the Washington Free Beacon they are urgently working to retrieve him.

Charlene Cakora, Frerichs’s sister, released a statement that urges readers to remember Frerichs and calls for his return home.

“Please remember that my brother, Mark Frerichs, is a hostage of the Taliban,” Cakora said. “We want all US troops home safely, but my brother should be able to come home too.” more

11 Comments on Biden Withdrawal Leaves Navy Vet In Taliban’s Hands

  1. “…though government officials have assured the Washington Free Beacon they are urgently working to retrieve him.”

    Translation: We are begging the Taliban to release him. Plane loads of cash on the way.

  2. All this chaos was supposed to help usher in the Dirty Dem Commies’ socialist dream system.
    They always underestimate the majority.
    The Dems and media and tech companies all own this with Bidumb.
    Trump would have had this guy out by now and Afghans who helped the US in a safe country.

  3. Trump would have thrown a couple drones in there, months ago. This never would have happened.
    Behave or die response. And he wouldn’t have left gun, ammo, helicopters, behind.

  4. Who knows how many more have been captured or killed since cowardly Joe took the quick and easy road out of Kabul?

    How many US allies were sacrificed for this week’s deceptive cover of the real story of stolen elections and family fraud?

    Will the public sheep ever wake up?

    Or is America stumbled to its knees and Kamala is standing nearby with the final trip wire?

    All of this, A coming covid lockdown, and more soon.

  5. And yet, 50+ years later, we still have MIA and possibly hostages in Viet Nam. Biden owns this, IMPEACH THAT FUCKER NOW! Trump was right, Joe did this all on his own. We are in such trouble and our leaders did this to us. We’re falling like Rome did. WTF! I guess this is what America gets for turning its back on God. True, elections have consequences.

  6. Only by God’s grace and mercy will this poor man survive being a hostage of the Taliban.
    Xiden could care less about the unnecessary blood shed he’s causing for our military, civilians and allies.


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